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Why can we say that immigration has allowed the USA to become such a power?

Étude de cas : Why can we say that immigration has allowed the USA to become such a power?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  18 Avril 2019  •  Étude de cas  •  663 Mots (3 Pages)  •  723 Vues

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Spaces and exchanges

I am going to talk about spaces and exchanges.
This year in class we studied several documents about spaces and exchanges.
In order to illustrate this notion, I have chosen to talk about immigration in the USA and attempt to answer the question: why can we say that immigration has allowed the USA to become such a power?
To answer this question I will present you the documents we have studied in class.

We’ve started off this notion by looking at a few pictures taken in the United States. The pictures where taken in Chinatown, New York City.
There are two main types of culture visible here. On the one hand, we noticed the US flag, whereas on the other hand inscriptions in Chinese on shop signs are predominant. At first glance, we could think of China, however the typical American urban architecture, the emergency staircases on the facades or some yellow cabs are pieces of evidence that we are in Manhattan.
There are also street signs transcribed into “Pinyin” (transcription of Mandarin into Latin alphabet) which addresses the latest generation of Chinese people who have grown up in America and won’t read Mandarin.
Chinatown represents Asia in the middle of New York City. These people have blended in the USA. Chinatown is a natural gathering of Asian settlers who aren’t mixed with American people and stay in some kind of brotherhood. This neighborhood is well assimilated into this US city, but still keep their strong identity.
We can see that immigrants have become an integral part of the USA since the culture has permeated the city.
On another picture, we can observe people being cheerful, dressed up with colors and holding banners. Their attires show that this event is a folk festival or a parade celebrating a Mexican community. They are sharing their Mexican culture with the Americans.
These people are willing to celebrate their native culture. This shows that they would rather stand out for their origins than simply blend in the American culture.

Immigration has a significant impact on many aspects of the life in the United States. In 2013 approximately 41 million immigrants were living in the US. The United States remains a popular destination attracting 20% of the world’s international migrants. In 2015, Barack Obama made a naturalization campaign. Barack Obama is inviting migrants to set down roots in America and he is offering them a better life. He is asking them to become legal American citizen. If they become legal citizens, immigrants will have rights and freedom such as the right to vote and better jobs opportunities. According to Barack Obama, the USA is more than a country, it’s a territory and a nation. Barack Obama believes that America stand strong thanks to the diversity of the immigration coming to the country.

It is also interesting to take a look at the pie charts showing a shift in immigrants’ origins. On the one hand in 1960, immigrants were mainly coming from Europe and Canada. On the other hand, the 2013 chart is more multicultural. The main immigrants coming to the USA that year are Mexican or Asian. This shift can be explained by the fact that America settlers were coming from Europe. At that time, they were running away from famines or wars in their countries. Nowadays, USA has become a symbol of liberty and created a myth of the self-made man: it attracts people from very different origins. These pie charts are proving that USA has always known immigration and that this country identity was made out of these people culture coming from very different part of the world.


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