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Palestine War

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Par   •  19 Avril 2015  •  428 Mots (2 Pages)  •  673 Vues

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White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest ,

Washington, DC 20500 ,USA

Tuesday,6th January 2015

Dear Mr. President,

After seeing a very alarming photography, I am writing you a few lines to express my opinion. That is why I ask you, please, read with serious.

The true image of Fortress Europe entered our living rooms: black people hanging from barbed wire, laying down with broken arms and legs, bleeding and desperately asking for help. I have just seen the photograph of “ The shamed wall “ on a web site but all this already drives me crazy!! I have no words can express my feelings! Since September, immigrants tried to cross the 3 to 6-meter fence that separates Morocco from Melilla - a Spanish territory in the North African coast - similar images, if not worse, have been exposing the consequences of EU immigration policies ! The images of sub-Saharan Africans trying to enter Spain is nothing new. Thousands of people have died trying to cross the Strait of Gibraltar in the last few years. Nor is police brutality, most immigrants of those treated in the region had injuries directly related to police violence.

The situation of this photograph shows that the situation of immigrants on the southern borders

of Europe seems to be more desperate than ever. I urge you to respond to this critical event. We

speak here of a human rights violation, what a shame for European states!!! Immigrants are treated in more than appalling conditions, it is not acceptable! Also, I am sorry to see that every year thousands of African immigrants try to reach Spanish and Italian territory on small rafts, and there are rescues and drowning almost every week. And I have never been so hurt in my life, when I learned that the Spanish Coast Guard rescued 156 immigrants in seven small boats and raft . But It’s unbelievable that one of the boats capsized and 42 people were thrown into the sea…. And 12 immigrants were missing!! Immigrant life cannot be overlooked at this point…!

Therefore, we must respond to so much injustice, and I ask you not to overlook the letter I wrote you, is important.

I Thank You in advance for taking the time to answer me. Please accept, Mr. President, my best regards. Yours faithfully, looking forward to reading you soon.

Léna CARATTONI , Journalist for a social inquiry


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