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La Vie

Discours : La Vie. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Juin 2014  •  Discours  •  290 Mots (2 Pages)  •  680 Vues

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La vie est Belle il faut le vivre je suis entraind e ecrire nimporte quoi parce que jai juste evnie de lire ce document pou rmon examen l faut que je comprend bien les axes du chapitres c'est tres important parce que jen ai marre et je dois avoir au moins 200 mots et je sais pas si ca c'est possible je suis entrain decire nimporte quoi jespere quil y a pas des gens qui lisent ca parce que c'est vraiment nimporte quoi je detest jen ai marre oh lala nimporte quoi un dux troi squatre mais h lala c'est meme pas jecris tellementnimprote quoi je vais copier coller un doceuemtn

Seen through the eyes of a young narrator, a succession of short stories describing the different lives of characters surrounding him when he is growing up. The majority of the time the narrator describes the stages in the character’s lives until they leave Miguel Street. Uncle Bhakcu considered himself a mechanical genius but he could never entirely fix a car. However, with this particular character, he does not leave Miguel Street as we see at the end of the novel. This chapter is mainly focused on Uncle Bhakcu and the interesting life he lead. As we have noted from the other chapters, the larger part of the population living on Miguel Street are uneducated and illiterate. We all assume Uncle Bhakcu was raised the same way until we learn that he reads the Ramayana. With the help of his wife, Mrs. Bhakcu, Uncle Bhakcu changes his lifestyle to one more suiting for himself. Throughout his story we notice that the narrator looks up to Uncle Bhakcu, even though he is frowned upon by the others living on Miguel Street.


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