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Britain wealthiest andm most powerful nation on earth

Cours : Britain wealthiest andm most powerful nation on earth. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Avril 2017  •  Cours  •  938 Mots (4 Pages)  •  663 Vues

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Britain wealthiest and most powerful nation on earth.

Industrial Revolution

Why did it happen ? And why in the 18th century ?

The key that helps explain the period is found on the shores: sea coal.

Comes from the north sea.

The coal kick started a revolution across 9 countries. Until then, wood was the main source of shit, supplied fuel for homes as well. As the population grew, so did the demand and as forest were cut down, the wood had to be carried further and that was more difficult and more expensive. Coal was the new source of fuel and it was better in power as it carries 3 times more energy than wood. In Britain coal was very present, expensive but Europeans countries would still be able to sell it. In Britain, the miles were near the sea, so it was easy to be accessible. The problem was that the deeper you went, the more likely the coal would be flooded so they tried to find a way to pump the water out of a depth of 90ft. Whoever could produce a good way to extract the coal without water was to be very rich. Thomas something designed an engine in 1712 called a steam agent, it pumped water off the group, making it possible to mine from greater depth. But the machine burned a lot of coal so he had to find a location were it was cheap. The place where he dug had unlimited coal and cheap as hell. Part of the reason he could develop the invention was because there was a rise of scientific ideas rising that made it easier for him to develop the machine. Over the years, a cascade of scientific discoveries came up which made the knowledge more accessible. This was known as the Age of Reason. There was a thirst of scientific knowledge. This increase and understanding of the world around created practical knowledge and the industrial enlightment. Idealists from different backgrounds used to meet and share their ideas. Erasmus Darwin was prolific in his intellectual explanations, he even measured the volume of air a person breathe and what would pass as a washing machine. He was interested in the transformation power of steam. He created the steamed chariot which was gonna be steamed cars after. Intellectual freedom, came up with a lot of ideas. Matthew Bolton met James Watt in his house and would transform the industrial revolution. They had a factory to make small metal goods, but in 1766, the production had to stop because it flooded. He then realized he could harness steam as a source of energy. Watt wanted a practical application knowledge. He tried to understand the mechanics of steam power, he wanted to make the more efficient steam engine ever produced. He realized that if the engine could be made more efficient, he could use the engine everywhere and not only in mines. In 1767 he visited Birmingham and with a higher skilled workforce he worked on achieving his designs. Within a few years, he got his expensive steam engine. He produced more power with less fuel. They kept improving the engine and within 3 years they created the steam whatever that was used everywhere. Manufacturers were released from the constraints of natural power due to his invention. His machine created a new industry, people were producing swords, saws, toasters, etc. Birmingham was known for very small objects for adornment. It became a city 9 times the size because of successful harnessing of ideas and an industrial revolution. By the 18th century, british gov wanted independence.


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