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Bangladesh and rising water

Fiche : Bangladesh and rising water. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Avril 2016  •  Fiche  •  286 Mots (2 Pages)  •  805 Vues

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Diapo 2/3: Presentation

Bangladesh is a poor country, which is situated between India and Burma. Moreover, it goes along the Indian Ocean.

Diapo 4: The HID of this country is low (0.573), indeed he is at the 142th rank on 188 countries.

Diapo 5: The GDP per capita is also low. It image the extreme poverty of the country.

One of the big problem is that there is a tremendous density of population (1 222 inhabitant/km²). To have an idea, this is 10 times higher than in France.

Diapo 6: The biggest issue that the country has to fight is flooding. We noticed more than 25 major flooding episodes since 1900, the worst one was in 1988 when 75% of the country was overwhelmed, and even half the area of the capital city was flooded. It made millions of homeless and thousands of death.

Diapo 7/8/9/10: And if we do not react now it will become even worse. Here you can see different projection showing Bangladesh will totally be overwhelmed. More optimistic ones like 1-meter rise or 1.5-meter rise, and more catastrophic ones like 20, even 60 meter rise.

Diapo 11: Moreover, the most exposed zones are the zones with the highest density of population.

Diapo 12:  No solution can be put in place since the country suffers from political issues. Bangladesh was born from the division of Pakistan; it is the ex-East-Pakistan. Therefore, there are still troubles with Pakistan.

Diapo 13: The only solutions that can be found have to be the result of an international mutual aid. North and developed countries have to share supplies and knowledge to help Bangladesh in his fight against flooding. This why we came. Organism like The International Bank and The United nation have to act now.


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