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Social and Economic Situation of Ivory Coast

Analyse sectorielle : Social and Economic Situation of Ivory Coast. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Mars 2019  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  303 Mots (2 Pages)  •  648 Vues

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Social and Economic Situation

Ivory Coast is a developing country whose economy is based on agriculture.It is part of the first producers and exporters of cocoa in the world.That seems to be a strengh, but it not always the case because the economy is more vulnerable to raw materials price fluctuation. The country has known an economic growth during the last years. In fact , the country recorded a 7% economic growth rate in 2018, with estimations in favor of a bigger improvement.

Talking about society, despite the significant economy growth, the country is hit by poverty, like any developing countries. Of course, the country has some millionaires, but it is undeniable that Ivory Coast is part of the poorest countries in the world. Wealth inegalities are also noticed, as 10% of the richest people received 36% of the national revenue against 20% for 50 % of the poorest people. Besides, recurrent political crisis are not helping.

Cultural Identity

In Ivory Coast, there are more than 60 ethnies regrouped into 4 main ethnic groups :

  • The Gur people
  • The Akan people
  • The Mandé people
  • The Krou people

The official national language is French but other languages characteristic of the aforementioned ethnic groups are also spoken. One of most spoken languages is the bambara who stems from Mali. It provides a large cultural diversity.

Plenty of religion beliefs are represented but the main ones are Islam and Christianity. However, Ivory Coast is known to be a country where people rely on their traditions, some cultural rites. For example, The Poro rite which is a rite of initiation in the Senoufo, executed only by males.

Masks and chants have undeniably an important place in Ivorian culture. They are part of any kind of cultural ceremonies and are deemed sacred. It permits to relate the history of ancient peoples.


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