Anglais: étude de l'entreprise Apple
Dissertation : Anglais: étude de l'entreprise Apple. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar thomass.46 • 18 Novembre 2012 • 265 Mots (2 Pages) • 5 142 Vues
Apple is a multinational company which produces high technologies products , for exemple , the very famous Iphone was created by Apple. With a turnover of 108 billions of $ , Apple is the first company in the informatics product , before Microsoft. Apple was created by Steve Job , 35 years ago , and employed 60400 workers all over the world in 362 Apple Store distributed in 12 countries. Apple is considered as the company the most admired ,
The Apple headquarters is located in the Silicon Valley .This area of the USA is very productive , and shine all over the world . Like we can see on the map , this area is in the sun belt , which is a dynamic area . We can see that because of many Technopoles are implanted here . In the Valley , a lot of famous brand’s headquarters are implanted , like Google for exemple.
But like all the company , Apple relocate his production in Asia , because of the workforce is very low. That’s why a lot of factory are situated in Asia or in India . But the downside of this famous brand is the working condition: A lot of internationals organizations denounces the working condition which are very hard.
But with the relocation of the production , Apple permit to the LEDC’s countries or the emerging countries to decrease their unemployement rate , and increase the GDP of this countries. What’s more , the investisement of Apple in this countries help the development.