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Geographie Usa

Cours : Geographie Usa. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Octobre 2015  •  Cours  •  295 Mots (2 Pages)  •  622 Vues

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This country is divided into four geographical regions: the Northeast, the South, the Midwest, and the West.  But, there are no clear-cut boundaries.

1.THE NORTHEAST: is formed by the New England and the mid-Atlantic states. More than a quarter of the population lives there. This region is  more urban, more industrial and culturally more sophisticated.  

*The Yankees: are people who characterize themselves as economical, reserved and dedicated to hard work.

2. THE SOUTH: a typical Southerner is more conservative and more religious than people in the rest of the country. They are the most "native" and "rural" of the inhabitants of any region. Americans from the other parts of the country can quickly recognize Southerner by their accent. They speech slower, more musical and use more diphthongs.

3. THE MIDWEST: is the middle section of the US. . The fertile farmland and abundant resources have made the rapid development of agriculture and industry possible, and this explains why Midwesterners strongly believe that people can make something of themselves if seize opportunities. They are not very interested in the affairs outside their region and often do not know much about the world. Chicago dominates the region's commerce and industry.

4. THE WEST: it is divided into three sub-regions:

- The Southwest: is characterized by geographical and cultural variety. It has magnificent desert and is abundant in oil, gas and minerals.

-The Rocky Mountains states: are famous for their spectacular mountains and wilderness areas.  

- The Pacific Northwest: is rich in natural beauty, there are mountains, forest and rugged coastlines. The state of California is the most populous of all states, it has the most developed economy and the biggest number of Asian and Hispanic immigrants in the USA

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