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GI'S and the liberation of Paris

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Par   •  13 Octobre 2024  •  Compte rendu  •  744 Mots (3 Pages)  •  12 Vues

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GI : american soldier fighting overseas galvanized iron

At first, thanks to the DDAY established in Normandy in June 6th 44, the American Soldier, calling themselves the GI, came to help France to face Nazi invasion and to liberate their country, as both were parts of the Allies.

They started by the Northern part and continue their progression until Paris, the capital.

The liberation of Paris took place from 19 to 24 August 1944. As Allied troops landed in Normandy in June advanced eastward, a popular insurrection was organized and led by the Resistance in the capital. In support of the French, General Barton’s 4th American Division entered Paris around noon on 25 August, taking charge of the eastern part of the capital, precipitating the Nazi capitulation the same day. Very quickly, American soldiers were everywhere in the capital; they were seen sitting at the café terrace, exchanging cigarettes with the Parisians.


Once Paris was free and the Nazis removed from the territory, The GI didn’t go back to the US but stayed until 1946 to help the reconstrcuction since the country was left gloomy.

On August 29, American troops joined French troops in a huge parade on the Champs Elysée. They are all acclaimed. By the thousands, Parisians lined the sidewalks for miles, all shouting: Long live America or long live France!" (Ernest Hemingway).

These Americans were and are still seen as heroes for France. They set up shop there to help strengthen security. In September 1944, the staff of the American army decided to settle in the former Dufayel department stores. The US military police initially monitored the premises and then transported the equipment abandoned by the Germans by trucks. The premises will soon become one of the warehouses of the American Red Cross.


During the 2 year of their presence, the GI’s adopted a real bad behaviour.

In 1944, before the landing in Normandy, the American army distributed to its soldiers the book «A Pocket Guide to France» so that they could get to know their French allies better. This manual gives «advice» to G.I. ’s for example: «Do not offend the French because they are proud and individualistic»; «Adapt to France by not talking especially about money» or «Think carefully before marrying a French woman!».

Indeed, in total contradiction with its fraternal approach, the American army is not very favorable to Franco-American marriages and therefore does everything to dissuade soldiers from considering the wedding. To do this, she reminds them that “France is a frivolous country where women can be approached with naughty winks and discreet taps on the buttocks.”

At the end of 1945, relations between the American military and the French population gradually deteriorated. Recognition and admiration have given way to mistrust and anger, due to the scandalous or even criminal conduct of some American soldiers that taints the image of the US Army.



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