Biodiversity and ecosystems
Dissertation : Biodiversity and ecosystems. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Fridolinubald • 25 Février 2023 • Dissertation • 1 171 Mots (5 Pages) • 434 Vues
Biodiversity in a generic way refers to biological diversity, i.e. the diversity of living organisms (animals, plants, fungi, lichens, mosses). But it has a more complex definition depending on the authors and disciplines of the environmental field considered. The Convention on Biodiversity of 1992 in Rio de Janeiro defines it as the variability of species, genes and habitats. As for the ecosystem, it is defined in ecological sciences as the whole formed by living beings and their living environment with which they interact. There are different types of ecosystems, such as aquatic, terrestrial and forest ecosystems. Ecosystems are therefore a component of Biodiversity. The quality of the ecosystems and their typology would thus be determining for the biodiversity of an environment. There is therefore a close relationship between ecosystems and biodiversity. Biodiversity offers many services to man, but it is a victim of decline in recent years. Thus it should be preserved against all kinds of alteration. This preservation requires a good understanding of the factors that determine the state of biodiversity, one of which is its relationship with ecosystems. This study aims to contribute to the understanding of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystems in order to better protect the environment. What is meant by the notions of biodiversity and ecosystems? What are the links between biodiversity and ecosystems? We present in our work, the concepts of biodiversity, ecosystems and then finish by the influence of biodiversity on ecosystems and ecosystems on biodiversity.
Abstract of the topic
In order to contribute to a better protection of the environment, we evaluated the link between biodiversity and ecosystems. A research method based on literature review of scientific publications having addressed the theme, using keywords on Google Scholar was adopted. Biodiversity is defined as the "variability among living organisms from all sources, including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems, and the ecological complexes of which they are part: this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems. An ecosystem is a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and landscape, work together to form a bubble of life. Ecosystems contain biotic or living, parts, as well as abiotic factors, or nonliving parts. Healthy ecosystems and a rich biodiversity, i.e. the multiplicity of living organisms and ecosystems, are vital for cities to function properly. The functional characteristics of species strongly influence ecosystem properties. The effects of species loss or compositional changes may differ between ecosystem properties and ecosystem types. Some ecosystem properties are initially insensitive to species loss because ecosystems may have many species that fulfill similar functional roles, some species may contribute relatively little to ecosystem properties, or properties may be controlled primarily by abiotic environmental conditions. We recommend that these results be taken into account when integrating biodiversity effects into policy and management, especially when making decisions involving large temporal and spatial scales.
Key words: Ecosystems, Biodiversity, relationship
Problem statement of the topic
It is increasingly recognized that the world's ecosystems provide a wide range of ecological "services" to society that are crucial to human well-being and sustainable development. These services arise from the normal functioning of ecosystems. Humans are altering the composition of biological communities through a variety of activities that are increasing the rates of species invasions and extinctions at all scales, from local to global. These changes in the components of the Earth's biodiversity are of concern for ethical and aesthetic reasons, but they also have a strong potential to alter the properties of ecosystems and the goods and services they provide to humanity. This raises the important question of the potential consequences of the current loss of biodiversity caused by the increased impact of human activities on natural and managed ecosystems. It is therefore necessary to understand the existing relationship between biodiversity and ecosystems in order to take effective conservation measures.
Study objectives, research questions and hypotheses
Research objectives
The general objective of the study is