WW2 was the atomic bomb a good idea
Dissertation : WW2 was the atomic bomb a good idea. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar camss123456789 • 31 Mars 2024 • Dissertation • 255 Mots (2 Pages) • 138 Vues
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--- Débat 25/03 --- Pour l’utilisation de la bombe atomique ---
- End of World War II: The use of the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki led to Japan's swift surrender, thus ending World War II in the Pacific. Some argue that this saved millions of lives by avoiding a massive ground invasion of Japan, where casualties would have been enormous on both sides.
- Saving lives: A ground invasion of Japan would have resulted in massive loss of life, on both Allied and Japanese sides. Proponents of the use of the nuclear bomb argue that it ultimately saved more lives than it took by bringing the conflict to a swift end.
- Future deterrence: Some argue that the use of the nuclear bomb against Japan served as a warning and deterrent to other nations from resorting to all-out war or similar large-scale aggression. The horror of the consequences of using such weapons could have helped prevent future conflicts.
- Impact on the Cold War: The use of the nuclear bomb was also interpreted as a strong signal sent to the Soviet Union and other rival powers during the Cold War period. Some believe it strengthened the United States' position as a superpower and influenced international relations in the decades that followed.
- Pressure to surrender: Some historians argue that Japan could have continued to resist even after the surrender of Nazi Germany. The use of the nuclear bomb would have put additional pressure on the Japanese government to surrender, accelerating the end of the war in the Pacific.
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