Vocabulaire anglais BTS AM
Commentaire de texte : Vocabulaire anglais BTS AM. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar marie29590 • 20 Novembre 2017 • Commentaire de texte • 479 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 770 Vues
Français | Anglais | |
2011 | Assistant | Assistant |
Chaîne de supermarchés | Supermarket chains | |
Clients | Clients/ Customers | |
Dégustation | Tasting | |
Directeur des achats | Purchasing director | |
Directrice marketing | Marketing director | |
Emissions de CO2 | CO2 Emission | |
Entreprise | Company, Firm, Corporation | |
Exportatrice | Exporter | |
Foire aux Vins | Wine fair | |
Garanties de qualité | Guarantee of quality | |
Invitation | Invitation | |
Label/être primé | Label/to receive recognition | |
Préserver l’environnement | To protect the environment | |
Région | Region | |
Salutation | Sincerely / Kinds Regards | |
Se tenir à disposition pour des informations complémentaires | To be available to provide you with additional information and details | |
Transports des produits | Product transport | |
Veuillez trouver ci-joint | Please find attached / enclose | |
Voie ferroviaire | Railway line | |
Abonnement | Subscription | |
Accès internet | Web access | |
Adaptabilité | Flexibility | |
Anciens étudiants | Former students | |
Assistante d'Alison Brown | Assistant of Alison Brown / Assistant to Alison Brown / Alison Brown's assistant | |
Assistante manager | Personal assistant (PA) | |
Avoir lieu | To take place | |
Basé sur | Based on | |
Besoin de | Need for | |
Bilingue | Bilingual | |
2012 | Bureau | Office |
Chercher | To search / To look for | |
Commercialiser | To sell / To commercialize | |
Contrat | Contract | |
Coordonnées | Details / contact details | |
Cordialement | Sincerely | |
Coupon réponse | Reply coupon | |
Devis | Quote / quotation / estimate | |
Dimension | Aspect | |
Diplôme | Diploma / Degree | |
Directrice des études à OMBS | Director of studies at OMBS | |
Ecran | Screen | |
Egalement | Also / as well | |
Embauche | Hiring | |
Embaucher | To hire | |
Entreprise | Company, Firm, Corporation | |
Environ | Approximately | |
Equipements | Equipment / materials | |
Etre à l'aise avec | To be at ease with | |
Expérience | Experience | |
Expliquer | To explain | |
Féliciter pour | To Congratulate on + vb -ing | |
Formation | Training | |
Imprimante | Printer | |
Invitation | Invitation | |
Je vous prie d’agréer… | Yours faithfully | |
Journal mensuel | Monthly newspaper | |
Langues étrangères | Foreign languages | |
Le premier de chaque mois | On the first of each month | |
Lettre circulaire | Circular letter | |
Location | Rental | |
Magazines | Magazine | |
Milieu des affaires | Business community | |
Nouvelles technologies | Emerging technologies, new technologies | |
Obtenir un diplôme | To obtain a degree / To graduate | |
Organiser | To organize | |
Participant | Participant / member | |
Personne à l'écoute | To be a good active listener / To be attentive | |
Photocopieur | Photocopier/copier | |
Place de parking | Parking space / parking spot | |
Ponctuellement | Occasionally | |
Possibilités | Possibility | |
Professionnel | Professional | |
Promotion d'étudiants | To student classmates | |
Proposer | offer | |
Proposition | Suggestion, proposal | |
Publicité | Advertising / publicity | |
Qualité | Quality | |
Quartier | Area /district | |
Questionnaire d'enquête | Survey | |
Réactivité | Responsiveness | |
Recherche d'emploi | Job hunting | |
Restauration | Restaurant service | |
Réunion de vente | Sales meeting | |
Salle de réunion | Meeting room | |
Suite à | Due to | |
Vidéo projecteur | Video projector | |
2013 | Abonnement | Subscription |
Adaptabilité | Flexibility | |
Anciens étudiants | Former students | |
Assistante d'Alison Brown | Assistant of Alison Brown / Assistant to Alison Brown / Alison Brown's assistant | |
Assistante manager | Personal assistant (PA) | |
Avoir lieu | To take place | |
Bilingue | Bilingual | |
Cordialement | Sincerely | |
Coupon réponse | Reply coupon | |
Dimension | Aspect | |
Diplôme | Diploma / Degree | |
Directrice des études à OMBS | Director of studies at OMBS | |
Embauche | Hiring | |
Embaucher | Hire | |
Entreprise | Company, Firm, Corporation | |
Journal mensuel | Monthly newspaper | |
Langues étrangères | Foreign languages | |
Lettre circulaire | Circular letter | |
Milieu des affaires | Business community | |
Nouvelles technologies | Emerging technologies, new technologies | |
Obtenir un diplôme | To obtain a degree / To graduate | |
Professionnel | Professional | |
Promotion d'étudiants | To student classmates | |
Proposer | offer | |
Proposition | Suggestion, proposal | |
Qualité | Quality | |
Questionnaire d'enquête | Survey | |
Réactivité | Responsiveness | |
Recherche d'emploi | Job hunting | |
S'abonner à | To subscribe to | |
Secrétariat | Secretariat | |
Vie active | Working life | |
2015 | Assistante de manager | Manager’s assistant / Personal assistant |
Accès Wifi | WIFI access | |
Avoir l’habitude de | Used to | |
Chambre individuelle | Single room | |
Collaborateur | Collaborator | |
Collègue de travail | Co-worker / work colleague | |
Cordialement | Regards | |
Courrier électronique | ||
Déplacement annuel | Annual travel (movement) | |
Directrice commerciale | Business manager / sales director | |
Etre disponible | To be available | |
En l’attente de votre réponse | Look forward to you reply | |
Hôtel | Hotel | |
Organiser | To organize | |
Réserver | Booking | |
Salle de travail | Working room | |
Un salon de la bureautique | Office automation exhibition / fair / show | |
Service réservation | Booking service | |
Spa | Spa |
2016 | Accès libre au SPA | Free access/open access to the SPA |
Chambre double | Double room | |
Connexion wifi | Wi-fi Connection | |
Dégustation de vin | Wine tasting | |
Devis | Quote/estimate/quotation | |
Ecran | Screen | |
Organiser | Organize/organize (UK-USA) | |
Plateaux repas | Meal tray | |
Prestations | Services | |
Prix /tarif | Price/rate | |
Remise | Discount | |
Réserver | To reserve/book | |
Restaurant | Restaurant | |
Séminaire | Seminar | |
Un hôtel | a hotel | |
Un ordinateur portable | A laptop computer/notebook | |
Un séjour | A stay / visit | |
Vidéoprojecteur | Video Projector | |
Salle de réunion | Meeting room/boardroom/conference room |