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Pleasure of queing fiche

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The pleasures of queeing, Erik Martiny

Procédés post modernist :

distrust of ideologies and rhethoric OK

reflexivity = reasons for acting

an ironized view of the past

interruption OK

discontinuity OK

fragmentation OK



disgression OK

a blending of populist and elitist art OK

eschewal of modernist psychological realism = rejet psycho habituelle

skepticism = scepticisme

the instability of meaning = l’instabilité du sens OK

non chronological narration

multiple endings


open endedness = fin ouverte

excess OK

maximalism = trop de tout

multifariousness = mélange de trucs

lacunae = il manque des trucs

cheerful nihilism = pas de sens

flippancy = impertinence OK

Cartoonish characters = persos un peu gamin

Dans le bouquin

• distrust of rhetoric --- broke the fourth wall « oh sweet astute reader » p30

• a blending of elitist and popular culture --- « I wish you a merry christmas » and references to the bible with Jonah’s story p41

• flippancy --- « innocently incestuous kissing orgy » p43

• fragmentation --- no quotation mark when a character is talking « you will have to be a good brother and protect the baby » p26

• excess --- a lot of babies « our parents persist in having over a baby a year » + anne breastfeed them until the age of six p63

• the instability of meaning --- a lot of french words or latin « caritas » p71 in the middle of a discours which doesn’t help to understand when you are english

• discontinuity --- babies are born but we are not informed « I tease about them a little and Frieda and Sophia start laughing » p70

• disgression --- long dialogue that does not advance history and written in a familiar way « fucking asshole -fucker » p74

• interruption --- when he realise something in writting the book « I later discover that this is a traditionnal francophone activity » p34


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