Le football et le business en anglais
Cours : Le football et le business en anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Benoit Pincemin Adb' • 14 Décembre 2015 • Cours • 336 Mots (2 Pages) • 870 Vues
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- The total sum of players transferred to Europe every year is equivalent to about 11 billion € (The French Social security deficit)
- The football business represent € 5 billion of derivatives and subscriptions in France and 400 billion in the world.
- in 60 % the club champion is the one with the largest budget
Investment Funds
- In 1983, Tottenham (an english club) was the first soccer club listed. Everybody can buy a piece of club. In France it's in 2005 that the first club is listed : The Olympique Lyonnais.
- The objectives of this type of financing in the 2000s is to give an opportunity to the supporters for participate more actively in the life of the club and allow the club to increase the budget.
- But It was not a success. The share of Lazio de Rome, for example, was introduced for 18€ but today is less than 1€. the share of OL decrease about 50 % in few years.
- We can see that this kind of financing is not really a good thing beacause the salaries of the players increase every year and the financing by shares is not stable enough.
The corruption in the soccer
- Agent : Manage the interests and organizes the caree and transfers for one or several players. Very often an agent manages several players. He got approximately commission of 10 % of the price of transfers. For Ex a transfer for 50M€ give 5M€ for the agent
- FIFA accepts as agents of players of the people condemned for corruption etc. while it is forbidden by the regulation(payment) (approximately 75 % of the agents were condemned for corruption)
- Fifa scandal for the World cup in Qatar obtained in exchange for bribes. Sepp Blater the President of the FIFA and Michel Platini were suspended yesterday for 3 months. And we wait ...
1 billion = 1 milliard
derivatives = produits dérivés
subscriptions = abonnements
listed = côté en bourse
Investment Funds = fonds d'investissement
a share = une action
agent player = agent de joueur
bribes = pots de vin
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