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Définition de jBPM (java Business Process Management) (document en anglais)

Thèse : Définition de jBPM (java Business Process Management) (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Février 2014  •  Thèse  •  723 Mots (3 Pages)  •  950 Vues

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A. Definition of jBPM :

jBPM (java Business Process Management) :

• It is a free software developed by jBOSS .

• It is written in Java .

• It is a workflow engine .

• It enables the management of information's flow and coordination between goods and people .

B. The different components of jBPM project:

Process Engine: the core of the project and is required if you want to execute business processes (all

other components are optional, as indicated by the dashed border).

• History log: an optional core service is the, that will log all information about the current and

previous state of all your process instances.

• Human Task Service: an optional core service is the, that will take care of the human task

life cycle if human actors participate in the process.

Two types of graphical editors are supported for defining your business processes:

• Eclipse Plugin: an extension to the Eclipse IDE, targeted towards developers, and allows

you to create business processes using drag and drop, advanced debugging.

• Web-Based Designer: allows business users to manage business processes in a web-based


Guvnor Repository: an optional component that can be used to store all your business processes. It

supports collaboration, versioning, etc. There is integration with both the Eclipse

plugin and web-based designer, supporting round-tripping between the different


jBPM Console: a web-based console that allows business users to manage their business processes

(start new processes, inspect running instances), their task list and see reports.

C. jBPM6 and BPMN 2.0 :

jBPM5 focusses on BPMN 2.0 as a language for expressing business processes.

The current jBPM5 snapshot offers open-source business process execution and


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