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Advantages and disadvantages of Globalization

Dissertation : Advantages and disadvantages of Globalization. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Janvier 2018  •  Dissertation  •  1 070 Mots (5 Pages)  •  1 333 Vues

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Contemporary Themes

AS2 Report

Sebastien Sivanesan
Student (LON) number:170920005      

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Advantages (125 words)

Disadvantages (125 words)


The advantages are:

Globalization promotes cultural exchanges between different countries.

It also makes it possible to diffuse the techniques of production.

Because to globalization, means of transport have developed, improved and become faster. So, it allows on the one hand to provide quick relief to populations in distress following conflicts or disasters and on the other hand to increase tourism.

It opens the borders between nations and increases mind of the differences between us (racial, religious, traditions) and how they can be managed in our favour.

People can travel and the active population can move can move.

According to an article by Forbes: It also provides poor countries, through infusions of foreign capital and technology, the opportunity to develop economically and by spreading prosperity, creates the conditions conducive to democracy and respect for human rights.


The disadvantages are:

Globalization is going to penalize countries that are trying to exploit their wealth on their own, but are struggling with it.

Countries seeking to exploit their resources will be "eaten" by globalization, by importing large groups from China, Brazil, the USA. More economy, because more opportunities to cultivate, I think of coffee, cotton etc. Same for the leather trade, or silk.

 Africa will be slowed by countries that are expanding for lack of financial means.

A loss of cultural identity linked to the internationalization of culture, and its standardization. For example: television programs whose concept is copied and broadcast on international channels.

There is also a loss of freedom of expression of the media. Private media are required to have a "correct" speech about certain topics so as not to offend private investors who hold a percentage of the capital of a newsgroup.

References: Put your references on the last page

Week 2: What are the advantages/disadvantages of globalisation?

Effective (125 words)

Ineffective (125 words)



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References:  Put your references on the last page


Week 3: CSR is effective/ineffective at improving the world?

Negative Effects (125 words)

Solutions (125 words)


In some cases, mass migration, when uncontrolled, can lead to overcrowding in some areas, or even crowding in a nation, to the detriment of deserted countries of origin. It also involves excessive use of a nation resources that can lead to a shortage of natural resources.

Immigrants can bring with them diseases that have prevailed in their country. Pathogens can be transmitted from one country to another through immigrants, leading to the spread of disease.

Immigrants with little or no schooling are generally suspected of contributing to increased theft, violence and other illicit practice and sometimes puts the safety of the people at risks.

The cost of providing resources such as education and health facilities to immigrants is a problem for the nation that hosts large numbers of immigrants.


Immigration leads to the exchange of cultural values. The result is an exchange of knowledge and expertise among nations. It is also an opportunity to interact with people from different backgrounds, to share their points of view, etc.

Immigration offers new opportunities for people who want to continue their education. This opens the door to fields of study that are not available in their home countries and possibly the acquisition of higher-rated diplomas in the labour market. Same, the employment opportunities and the flexibility of the host country's regulations can accelerate the social rise of the immigrant who cannot access such opportunities in his country.

In some cases, immigration may result in a more equitable distribution of populations. The migration of people from one overcrowded country to another which is barely able to balance the population density. Some countries face a shortage of resources because of population growth, while others have sufficient resources but only a very small population. Migration from the first to the second can be beneficial for both.

References:  Put your references on the last page


Week 4: What are the negative effects/solutions of/to high levels of immigration to the UK?

Become Legal (125 words)

Remain Illegal (125 words)


People should have freedom of choice, including the right to control their bodies and lives, as long as they do not affect the rights of others.

The concept of "quality of life" is an important aspect of this argument. For example, if a terminally ill person is suffering from intolerable pain or their quality of life is seriously diminished, the adherents of assisted dying can suggest that they should have the right to die.

The human must be able to die with dignity and freedom and not in suffering, when there is no longer any return to a normal life.

If the man has right, it is to choose, if he wants to live or die, and to hear people asking for help to die when we have no strength is terrible.


According to BBC in 2015, 118 members of parliament voted for and 330 against plans to allow some adults to end their days under medical supervision. This was further supported by Fiona Bruce which also a member of parliament, and she said word to word, “we are here to protect the most vulnerable in our society, not to legislate to kill them”. And I really like this declaration because the life is really important and everyone want to stay alive. Nobody think, somebody wants to die. People are mostly trying to delete suffering, not to stop living.

With today’s technology, we can relieve the pain. Specially with the palliative care, it is precious in our society.

According to Jane Campbell who has a progressive disability, she told to the “Today program”: I had 6 months to live, probably 5 times in my life, the last one did not happen, it’s difficult, otherwise impossible to predict when you will die”.

It shows that people who are supposed to die with in a period of time are not even sure to die.

Even medicine is not an exact science.

References:  Put your references on the last page


Week 5: Assisted dying should become/remain legal/illegal in the UK.



Georges,Vignaux. (2011).

Mike Collins. (2015). 



L'Équipe d'Économie Solidaire (2015)

Assisted Dying:

Lydia Smith. (2015).

The Guardian. (2017)


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