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Watching You

Dissertation : Watching You. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Avril 2014  •  483 Mots (2 Pages)  •  656 Vues

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Watching you

The US are famous for a lot of things all over the world, one of those things is the surveillance that the government put on every person in this country. Everything you do, everywhere you go, they know it. How? By our cell phones, computers, what we post online, on Facebook, Instagram…It wasn’t always like that, since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the government started raising the level of surveillance and security: shoes searches and body scanners, were added to the airports controls, intrusive questions at border crossing, and video surveillance camera in public places and in the street. All that to avoid another terrorist attack, but is that too much? Is that too intrusive and breaking the Fourth Amendment?

The body scanner at the airport, that some people think intrusive, is a good thing. It reduces the risk of terrorist attack by discouraging and stopping them. After 9/11, people needed to feel safer, they were scared to take the plane ever again and that another terrorist attack happens, they needed to feel that it wasn’t easy to commit a terrorist attack and that it won’t happen again. Furthermore, if people don’t have anything to hide, I don’t see the problem to do a body scanner and let them watch by scanner what do you have in your luggages.

The phone surveillance is too much, is an intrusion in our private life. Many people use their cell phone for a lot of things like agenda, social network accounts, camera, emails, GPS and of course texting and calling. The government can know all our moves by the GPS. All the information contains in that are private and they shouldn’t have access to it. Furthermore, jokes between two friends could be understood wrong, people don’t think about that when their texting. Even if we don’t have anything to hide, its personal stuff that we say to them.

Recently, we discovered that the NSA, the National Security Agency of the US, wasn’t only watching the American people and the country with high terrorist attack risks, but the entire world. They are listening the phone call of people in Europe for years, and it’s not security, it’s spying. It breaks the international rules of peace and I think the US should be penalizing at the UN. It also shows that they are over powerful and need to be restrained. It also breaks the Fourth amendment that prohibits unreasonable searches and seizure, and requires any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause.

Obviously, the NSA is going too far, we need to stand up and defend our right, our freedom! If we don’t, they are going to be more intrusive until it’s too late, and the government turns into a dictatorship. Privacy is a right that should be respected everywhere in the world, not only in the US but also in those countries ruled by dictators.


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