- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Type pour les thèmes du baccalauréat

Analyse sectorielle : Type pour les thèmes du baccalauréat. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Mars 2015  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  273 Mots (2 Pages)  •  675 Vues

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InIntroduction Type pour les thèmes du baccalauréat

Hello, I’m going to present you a monument, that I would like to see, BIG BEN

1-To begin with the description

I’ll give you details about this monument, Big Ben is the name of the Bell located in the Clock Tower in London to the Palace of the British Parliament (Westminster Palace), it is set composed of 7 meter dials on each of its sides. Its Bell, introduced in 1858, weighs over 13 tons. The sound of the Bell is more than 6 km. This is the first time that indicates the exact time when Big Ben rings, every hour.


I will present you its history

The clock was finished being built on april 10th 1858, after the old Palace of Westminster was destroyed by fire on the night of 16th October 1934.

The present tower was raised as a part of Charles Barry’s design for a new Palace. Who was built in a Neo-gothic style.

3- Then, I will talk about one of nickname

The origin of the nickname Big Ben is the subject of some debate, the nickname was applied on first to the Great Bell, it may have been named after Sir Benjamin Hall (corpulent person, who was the first commissioner of public work), or after boxing’s English heavyweight Champion Benjamin Caunt.

4- Finally, I will tell you why I chose this monument,

I like London , the Big Ben is a symbol of United Kingdom and London, particularly in the visual media, when a television or film marker wishes to indicate a generic location in Breatain a popular way to do so is to show a picture of the Clock Tower.


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