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The ring in The Lord of the Ring

Étude de cas : The ring in The Lord of the Ring. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Avril 2017  •  Étude de cas  •  378 Mots (2 Pages)  •  864 Vues

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The ring in « the  lord of the ring »

The ring  (who is called the unique ring) is an imaginary object created by Tolkien in the novel « The lord of the ring ». There are many rings but the more important is this one.

He is created by Sauron, the master of the darkness in the destiny mountain (the only place where it can be destroyed) for govern all the people in middle earth.

[pic 1]

Sauron with the ring

The ring permit to be invisible and to have a big power. The people who have the ring can pass in the world of shadows.

[pic 2]

The history :

Sauron lost his ring in a fight where his finger has been cut by Isildur and his sword : Narsil.

The ring was recovered by Smeagol, a hobbit who stole it to his cousin, Deagol.

He has a lot of positiv power but he has a negativ one too : the man who wear the ring can become crazy.

It’s what happened to Smeagol. He stayed 500 years in a cave and he became a monster called Gollum

He lost this ring and a hobbit , Bilbo, found it. It allowed Bilbo to leave the cave where was Gollum.

[pic 3][pic 4]

                                  Gollum                                                           Bilbo

Bilbo used a lot the ring in his aventure and when he had 111 years he gave it to his nephew : Frodon.

Sauron searched for a long time the ring and he wanted to find  it again.

Frodon had a lot of events with his ring and he arrived in the destiny mountain. Unfortunately, Gollum stole it but in his madness he fell and he destroyed the ring dying.

The ring destroyed, Sauron became a spirit who could make nothing.

Frodon [pic 5]



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