- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

The advantages of malls and shopping

Cours : The advantages of malls and shopping. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Mars 2015  •  Cours  •  203 Mots (1 Pages)  •  740 Vues

Partie 2 :

1.The advantages of malls and shopping centers are the concentration of many retailers the customer can have a good time in general. He can do is shopping, have lunch and just parade around the malls. Howewer the disadvantages are the lot of people on the gallery for exemple. Everyone can go inside the malls and just have look for a trendy pair of shoes or a jacket, and leave without buying. The other types of outlets and channels distribution where consumers can buy are numerous. The newest technology, the customer can buy directly at home buy on the internet or phone.

2. Consumer confidense in buying is determined by the economical growth itself. Depending on the situation, they will be wary on spending money either times are going well or not. Consumer confidense is through the image of the store or the shopping center. The value, country of manufacture of the products, warranty, after sales service and brand are essential if the customer decides to purchase. Consuming is the main factor for economic recovery and growth. If people are scared about the economical future, they will keep more money on a side to be able to react in case of a recession.


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