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Synthèse sur l'évolution en anglais

Recherche de Documents : Synthèse sur l'évolution en anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Septembre 2014  •  406 Mots (2 Pages)  •  539 Vues

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I am going to talk about the idea of progress. When we talk about progress, we talk about new technologies. New technologies improve people's daily life. Of course, new technoogies have advantages and we will talk about it first. Secondly, we will talk about their drawbacks. In the last part of our development, we will talk about solutions given by the government or the population.

First of all, new technologies are attractive. Let us take the example of the internet : in only one clic we find all we want to know about different subjects. It offers a lot of things like films, reports, socal networks, musics and games to entertain ourselves. We can also talk about the important development of cell phone coverage, like in rural India. For people who live far away from a city, their life has changed and progressed thanks to the mobile phones : this is the case of rural indians. That progress allows them to feel part of the world and have access to common knowledge.

Progress is usefull, and development of education, in Ethiopia, helps to allow a country to develop. Thanks to this development, students have a better education, in Ethiopia a porject called One Laptop Per Child and the knowledge they receive could lead the country to economic development.

Even if progress and the development of those new technologies help in the comfort of people because they make life easier, there are also drawbacks.

Developed countries, like the United States, produced millions of tones of e-waste, that is to say used electronics, that they send to devloping countries, like India, Pakistan or China, to recycle them because it is much cheaper.We can see that 20% of the world consume 80% of the world natural ressources : this is an excessive consumption that will pollute a lot. North Americans are the worst, they consume to much, we can take the example of Black Friday : a day dedicated to shopping. In Africa, more prcisely in Ghana , thousands of old consumer good, from all over the world, are dumped everyday. The population tries to make a living out of this waste, by burning electronic wires to extract precious metal, like gold, silver or copper, without protection against the heavy metals or the toxic components. However, it dangerous for their health, and it causes poisoning, brain damage or lung cancer. Their way of recycling is creating an environmental and health nightmare.


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