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Analyse sectorielle : Smoking. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Avril 2014  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  586 Mots (3 Pages)  •  483 Vues

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Smoking is a term that characterizes tobacco in general. It is most often used to describe the behavior of dependent persons to tobacco smoke , as opposed to occasional use . Smoking is sometimes specified active smoking versus autabagisme liability that is the involuntary inhalation of tobacco smoke .

1- Tobacco :

Tobacco is a manufactured product made from dried plants belonging to the botanical genus Nicotiana leaves ( Family : Solanaceae ) from South America , the largest of which is common letabac (Nicotiana tabacum ) . There are other varieties of tobacco plants , but only endemic in Oceania and Australia.

Tobacco use is widespread in the world after the discovery of America . Its production is often a state monopoly and sale generally subject to heavy taxes .

2 - The effects and dangers of smoking :

Smoking has very serious consequences indeed tobacco gives very quickly: bad breath, damage my hair and teeth, decreases the taste and smell . As it limits the supply of oxygen to the brain and muscles, it also decreases the athletic ability and can cause headaches.

But especially the tobacco smoke and 5000 contain more hazardous substances: nicotine , but also toxic products such as carbon monoxide , which binds to red blood cells instead of oxygen , tars , cyanide , acetone , lead, mercury , etc. .

Smoking increases the risk of developing many diseases : diseases of the heart and arteries (or cardiovascular disease ) and cancers ( lung , tongue , throat , stomach or bladder ) . Smoking is especially bad for pregnant women ( the baby may be born too early or too small). Ultimately , tobacco decreases life expectancy of smokers on average 8 years ! About 1 smoking 2 must expect to die of a tobacco-related disease .

The smoke is not only harmful to the smoker : it is also toxic to the environment (ie passive smoking ), especially for babies still in the womb and young children .

In total , the World Health Organization estimates that tobacco caused the premature death of 100 million people in the twentieth century. If the trend is not reversed , it is probably one billion smokers will die too early in the next century. It is estimated that each year smoking kills 5 million people worldwide , including approximately 500,000 in Europe. In France , 60,000 people die each year from tobacco-related disease .

3 - The fight against smoking :

Many measures have been taken against tobacco such as:

- The ban on advertising ,

- The ban on smoking in public places (including of course the schools and colleges ) and offices , prevention campaigns and information

- Increase in the price of cigarettes,

- Warnings on cigarette packets

But it is not enough to regulate, it is still necessary to apply! And know that these measures do not prevent the tobacco industry to continue their main strategy to


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