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Sales techniques

Dissertation : Sales techniques. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Décembre 2014  •  247 Mots (1 Pages)  •  666 Vues


1. Meeting the Customer :

The 4x20 rules verbal and not verbal (first contact, first step : confident walk, first 20 gestures first 20 words)

2. Discovering the customer’s needs and motivations

SPICES : corresponds to the customer’s six main purchaising motivations :

- security : need for reliability and guarantees

- Pride : seeks to be singled out through the purchase that must enhance his own image.

- Innovation : interest in anything new : loves fashion and new trends

- Convenience : appreciates what makes life esaier and saves time

- Economy : wants to pay a letter price, good value for money retur on investment

- Sympathy : sensitive to personal attention

Non verbal takes notes, remain silent while the customer is speaking

Body language → focusing on the customer

Verbal : Questions open, closed and alternative.

3. Rephrasing : resume the last words, summarizing, refocusing, deuction, suggestion.

4. Use the CAP : - Characteristics ( What’s relevant to the client’s situation

- Advantage

- Proof

5. Valorise the goods but avoid hiding the problems

CRAC : Comprehensive understanding asking a question about the origin of his opinion

Rephrase : reducing the impact

Answer : Providing the relevant argument

Encourage : final checking question

6. Closing :

Summarize the benefits. Make the customer realize what life will be like insist on the competitive choice

7. Taking leave : Recap the deal, confirm the deal by mail.

The business car dis handed over.

« It was a pleasure to negociate with you »

« Thank you for coming »


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