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Étude de cas : Robots. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Mars 2019  •  Étude de cas  •  619 Mots (3 Pages)  •  556 Vues

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Task 1:

Question 1: Explain what is happening in Chinese factories.

In Chinese factories, robots work on production lines. The human is replacing by robots and the manufactories invested more and more un robots and that’s because China cannot afford to see it’s manufacturing industry disappear.

Question 2: What can robots do today?

Today robots can replace a human to do his job, they can do a delicate work such as soldiering components. Today robots have more skill and they can replace totally a human.

Question 3: What will be the consequence of automation on China’s workforce.

The consequence of automation on China’s workforce are good because we can observe a rising wages and an increasingly aspirational workforce, and today many young people in China would prefer to work in retail or restaurant.

Task 2:

Question 1: Has the employment rate increased or decreased since 2008? Give examples from the text.

The employment rate increased since 2008, we can read in text at the paragraphed one line one to two “the unemployment rate in the developed world is down to 5.5%” or again at the paragraphed two, line ten to thirteen “Japan, which has one of the oldest and most rapidly aging populations in the world, the economy is barely growing, but the job market is booming”

Question 2: What can explain this phenomenon?

The pessimists can explain this phenomenon, like the pessimist is too focus on what is lost to competition and technology. It’s like they only see what they going to lose and not what they going to win.

Question 3: In what fields are the new jobs created?

The new jobs created are fields in creativity, language and motor skills.

Question 4: what difficulties are some companies confronted with?

Some companies are confronted at the highly price of auto mechanics, and competitively.

Question 5: What is the article’s stands point on automation?

The article stands point on automation is not a good point because the article explain that the robot can’t replace a human because they can’t have the creativity, the language or again the motor skill to do some job like gardening, nursing, teaching.

Question 6: Organise your ideas and make a plan.

  1. The consequence of automation on the employment
  2. In what the robot can’t replace the human
  3. How it can be an opportunity for the people

Task 4:

Question 1: Making a plan: See how the three documents are related to one another

  • Video 1: the main ideas are: robots it’s an opportunity for the economics
  • Text 2: the main ideas are: robots can’t totally replace the human

Question 3: Write a final report which is a synthesis of the two documents

In the two documents we are studied, we saw two different opinions on the robots and the developments of it. The video explains to us that can have a good impact on the manufactories company, like progress, more speed, and that can make in value the human in the world of work. Plus, the consequence of automation on China’s workforce are good because we can observe a rising wages and an increasingly aspirational workforce. In the second document, a text, we can read a totally different opinion on that. In the second document we can read the inconvenient of the automatisation, like what the robots can’t totally replace a human because they don’t have the more important skill than a human need to work and grow up like the creativity, the language and motor skills and that’s the reasons why the employment rate decreased since 2008. Because companies use robots and people lose their job. But it has a good point on the employment because now many young Chinese people prefer work in a retail or a restaurant and that it’s a good point for the economy.


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