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Redaction Anglais

Dissertation : Redaction Anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Janvier 2014  •  252 Mots (2 Pages)  •  742 Vues

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During a match of football, present audience shortly unfolded two streamers by the way racist and homophobe. These aimed at players of the team.

I find this scandalous, the punished law discrimination, racism, anti-Semitism, homophobie and calls to hate, they are illegal.

According to law against racism: « Constitute a discrimination any differentiation operated between the natural persons owing to their origin, their sex, of their marital status, of their state of health, of their disability, of their morals, of their political opinions, of their union activities, of their membership or of their non-membership, true or supposed, to an ethnic group, a nation, a breed or a determined religion. »

Racism is an ideology which is based on different groups human being, called "breeds «. I think that in our epoch they should not concern any more of judgement the others.

We are equal. There is only in stadiums, matchs of footballs that racism is present. To insult the others it is easy, you should not judge those autours of us this cannot be any more to tolerate.

However, it is in sports, such as football as they find the idea of working in group, respecting the others, develop more interest and curiosity to learn new things, fact to want to be among the others, with the others, to hold a place and play a role in a group to contribute there, because first of all to Play together makes listen, watch each other, and respect himself.

Today, several players of football support associations against racism.


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