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Pourquoi les téléphones portables sont-ils importants pour les élèves?

Mémoire : Pourquoi les téléphones portables sont-ils importants pour les élèves?. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Mai 2013  •  221 Mots (1 Pages)  •  873 Vues

This report explains why mobile phones are important for students, and makes recommendations about their use in the school.

The aim of the report is to compare the advantages and the drawbacks of bringing your mobile phone at school. First of all, most students possess a mobile phone and, above all, bring it.

Personally, I do bring my phone everyday because I need it for several reasons: for example to inform my parents if my schedules change or if I unfortunately miss my bus or if I have others transport problems. Since I have it, I feel plenty more autonomous and my parents more reassured.

Regrettably I am aware, surely as you, that students use their phone in class for texting messages during lessons or for solving a math calculation. I am determined that we can clear up the problem for example with a bucket, were we could leave them with valuable gadgets (iPod, ..) at the beginning, as we do at the gymnasium with our sport teacher. With this technical, we forget about texting and we know that they are in a safe place where nobody can steal them.

Both ideas have benefits, but it would seem that banning mobile phones is not the best notion because majority of people consider this technology as an object of communication needed in everyday life.


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