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Pourquoi l'Australie est-elle un objet de fascination? (document en anglais)

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Par   •  20 Avril 2013  •  708 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 044 Vues

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Thème 2 :

The Australia

Why Australia is an object of fascination?


Australia is a country populated for more than 50 000 years by the Aborigines

of the southern hemisphere that covers the largest part of Oceania. Besides the island of the same name, Australia also includes Tasmania as well as other islands of the southern, Pacific and Indian Ocean.

Tourism in Australia is the first country's wealth. Natural resources are more than generous; we have the opportunity of discover very different landscape.

Today many people go to live and work in Australia why this country is so fascinating?


Paradise of wildlife, Australia is a huge natural reserve.

Animals are the most typical are marsupials with ventral pouch: kangaroos, wallabies, koalas, possums and wombats. There are also two kinds of mammals surprising: the platypus and the echidna. The country of crocodiles is situating in the North. We can see them, for example, in the Kakadu National Park, east of Darwin, which is also home to buffalo wild or black cockatoos with red tail.

Another originality: the Tasmanian devil, very rare species that lives in the south of Tasmania, as its name suggests. Unique in the world.

The isolation of Australia has generated an original flora, substantially different from the rest of the world.

Relatively arid conditions gradually prevailed over a large part of the territory resulted in wide variety of plants adapted to drought, especially acacias and eucalyptus especially characteristic of the Australian landscape today.

Of rare plants were also able to survive in this unique environment. A Palm Valley, near Alice Springs, there is an oasis with palm trees millennia unique in the world, the last survivors of an era where the bush heart of the continent was still green.


• Diversity:

As anywhere else, there are in Australia almost all nationalities and communities of the worldwide. You will never feel truly stranger. Indeed, during the day you will hear 25 different languages.

• Australians:

Australians have a ready smile and a very friendly attitude! Engage a discussion with a stranger in the street is natural, share a beer in a pub with a neighbour; everything is based on simple relationships and social. The concept of community is also very important. A feature of Australia is that many immigrants arrive every year many different countries, this contributes to an important diversity.

• Australian mentality:

The "No Worries attitude".


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