Notes d'anglais
Fiche : Notes d'anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar aswq • 27 Octobre 2016 • Fiche • 261 Mots (2 Pages) • 606 Vues
Assessing Claims
fill in the blank about concepts. then short exercises. TEST
grammar: how to get information. Need to be able to read, learn and get info. input.
rhetoric: speaking, persuade, giving information. output.
logic: assessing information. true or false? connections?
ology>>>Logos (in greek): Reason. Psychology is reasoning about the soul. Geology is reasoning about the earth.
Modes of persuasion-rhetoric: idea. how can I convince people? (modes of persuasion). Logos (information. give argument, date and facts leading to a conclusion), Ethos (persuading by getting you to see them as persuasive. university prof. we are trained to think they know more so we believe) & Pathos (persuading by appealing to emotions. Passion)
Claim: Statement: something said that can be true or false.
Reason: offers support for a claim (a reason is a claim)
Support: gives us a basis for thinking a claim is true
Thesis: The claim being supported (a thesis is a claim)
Reason: objective, intersubjective, collective — Coercion: individual, subjective (Trying to persuade you based on the power they have. EX. Blackmail, Bribery, Threats, Commercials[buy this and you’ll get girls])
Relativism: makes things hard to reason
Subjective Relativism (What’s true for me is true for me and what’s true for you is true for you — no conclusion between two people. One opinion is the only one that matters to that one)
Social Relativism (Whatever my culture or social group says is true is true. Europeans believe that and South Americans believe that. They can believe different things. Doesn’t have to be the same thing.)
Why Reason?
uncover the truth (assessing claims)
uncover falsity (bad arguments, false information)
persuade people (pass on information)
resolve disagreements (form consensus)