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FRG notes en anglais

Fiche de lecture : FRG notes en anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  29 Janvier 2024  •  Fiche de lecture  •  897 Mots (4 Pages)  •  194 Vues

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  • Denazification – 5 million people who are in the Nazi Party + others have joined Nazi unions/or are associated with Nazism in some way
  • Need a trial (Nuremburg) – only people who have done the worst
  • Can’t try everyone because society needs to run + lack of will to do it
  • No government for it
  • People who are Nazis do have expertise/ people are professionals -> so they’re missing professionals
  • Don’t want people to turn to communism/Stalin
  • Germany = area of propaganda
  • Allies need it to prosper – so when Stalin’s GDR turns out bad, capitalism looks better than communism
  • Families of people who die after Holocaust – Israel created + request reparations
  • Germany = bombed entirely
  • Need to rebuild
  • Economy = bad
  • Nazi accumulated a lot of debt
  • Germany writes off its own debts over 400 billion dollars
  • German economy shrank to 30% over the war
  • Inflation – people aren’t using money anymore
  • BUT they have very modern industry – 50% of fixed assets in Germany in 1946 were less than 10 years old
  • No food/starvation

 Creation of the FRG

  • 4 million Germans dead
  • 10 million expelled as refugees from areas of Est Europe it had controlled
  • No functioning institutions/economy
  • Fear of starvation/outbreak of disease among germans, many who were living in cellars or the open – with their homes having been destroyed
  • 7 million adult men missing/prisoners of war – if captured by the Russians, they would die or not reappear for ten years

Allied Plans

  • Did not have a coherent long-term strategy for Germany
  • Initially focused on demilitarisation and de-Nazification
  • Allied zones merged + Berlin crisis’s

Division + Occupation of post-war Germany

  • Yalta conference
  • Potsdam – deindustrialisation + democratisation added
  • Each country would take reparations from their own zones
  • USA + Britain would give the USSR 10% of industrial machinery + another 15% in return for food + raw materials

Long term Division

  • No clear plan to divide it permanently
  • Assumed that Germany would eventually be reunited
  • Allies saw it as a capitalist democracy – Stalin emphasised communism
  • Priorities were to de-nazify Germany + make it function enough to ward off a humanitarian crisis

Western Zones increased co-operation

  • Rebuilding + reparations was destroying the German economy in the late 40s
  • West Germany was dependent on food from the east – when these stopped, many Germans existed on fewer than 1000 calories per day
  • USA + Britain realised that a poverty-stricken Germany was good for no one
  • For recovery they tried to co-operate
  • 1946 = Bizonia
  • 1949 = Trizonia
  • Unification made a political union more likely
  • Created two Germanies

Tensions in the Allied Control Council

  • Co-operation between Russians and the Western powers was breaking down in the ACC – e.g US zone refused reparations to USSR in 1946 – USSR refused to give food
  • Treaty of Brussels = Western European union
  • 1948 – Russian representative walked out of the ACC over plans to introduce the Deutschmark in three western zones – said the council had no future
  • USA announced military would remain in Germany

Marshall Plan + Berlin Blockade

  • Deutschmark = success – led to immediate economic recovery for the west with the help of Marshall aid
  • Soviets introduced Ostmark
  • Airlift – 4641 tonnes of supplies a day
  • 1949 = 8000 tonnes a day e.g. coal

Political Parties in the Western Zones

  • CDU/CSU – Christian democratic Union/Christian social union – led by Adenauer, embraced former members of the ZP, nationalists + democrats who veered right but also had a genuine feel for social welfare
  • SPD – led by Schumacher, survived from Weimar, maintained socialist agenda, mixed with elements of nationalism
  • Free democratic Party – FDP
  • Other small parties also appeared
  • Partoes wanted to avoid the divisions of the 1920s that had partly contributed to Hitler coming to power in Jan 1933
  • Formation of Basic Law – gave the FRG a new democratic constitution – was to lead to self-governance

CDU – Christian Democratic Union

  • Adenauer’s party
  • Dominate FRG period
  • Take up people from the old ZP + DNVP (nationalist ish party/right wing)
  • Genuine focus on social welfare – they have to have this focus, because of Germany’s awful societal situation

SPD – social democratic party

  • Left leaning party
  • Massive programme of social welfare
  • Want the state to own key areas of industry – e.g. heavy industry, railways etc.
  • Democratic party – dead against communism
  • Socialist view on society

FRG elections

  • 5% threshold for a party to be in the thingy (bundenstag)
  • B-S had 299 seats from proportional representation + 299 seats from first past the post
  • First past the Post – 299 constituencies
  • First past the post prevents paralysis – creates a clear majority
  • Decreases no of parties in a coaltion
  • Increases efficiency with which they can pass laws


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