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Neil Young Ohio

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Par   •  6 Octobre 2014  •  406 Mots (2 Pages)  •  617 Vues

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Neil Young is a canadian singer and guitarist of flok, rock and country. He was born in 12th November 1945 in Toronto. He is known as the seconde modt influential singer-songwriter of the 20th century. He is still performing today .

Ohio is a song wrote by Neil Young in reaction to the killing of Kent Sate University in Ohio on May 4, 1970. Ohio is a protest song and Neil Young composed it afteung. r looking at photos of the four student dead in Life Magazine. Its original version was performed by Corsby, Stills, Nash and Young. The lyrics ' Four dead in Ohio » became an anthem to a generation . In some part of the country the music was banned because she was seen like anti-Nixon and anti-War.

Contexte :

On May 4, 1970 a student demonstration in Kent in the Ohio state  turned into a shooting . Four students left dead, one paralyzed and eight more wounded. There were a lot of peacefully demonstration against the war on this time and the Kent's had the same goal. The students were protested against the Viet Nam war which was contreversed in USA at the time. The Viet-Nâm war toof place to 1955 to 1975. She had a real impact on the american society because she give birth to the hippie movement. They advocated non violence and rejected the way of life of their parents and tradition. They can be qualified of counterculture. They used music for defend their idee and this is naturally that the hippie movement suited the band and its song Ohio.

More precisly the Kent's students were protested against the Cambodian campaign announced by Nixon in a television adress on April 30. The Cambodian campaign was a series of military operation led by United States and Republic of Vietnam.

So the demonstration of Kent was ended violently when the National Guard fird during 13 seconds . Four students died this day : Allison Krause, William Schroeder, Sandra Scheuer and Jeffrey Miller. Some of the student present were not involved in the demonstration . The soldiers carelessly fired on student unarmed.

Young qualified the Kent shooting as « the biggest lesson ever leaned at an American place of learning » and said that David Crosby cried when they finished the take. David Corbsy insist on Neil Young's courage for quoting the name of Nixon out of the lyrics.


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