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Myths Et Hereos

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Par   •  29 Avril 2013  •  235 Mots (1 Pages)  •  1 338 Vues

Myths and heroes

The topic gothic literature and movies, some famous characters from literature have become myths and are part of the collective culture of a nation. Then, some myths travel in time and space for example, Gothic literature, which was born in England and then developed worldwide.

The characteristics of gothic fiction

the gothic literature is associated with romanticism, the gothic artists rejected wath was rational, they like strange things, horror, mystery, death, and wild landscapes. The main characters of gothic fiction include villains, vampires, werewolves, monsters, ghosts, steletons and the devil. Gothic writer I know is Stephenie Meyer, she wrote twilight elsewhere I like this gothic fiction.

We was studied with professor a document it was a pooter of a film called

« Frankenstein and the Monster From Hell » the document represents a monster which was invented by a genius and his body comes from a killer.

i think these document represents the gothic fiction, because the atmosphere is frightening and strange.

I made a summary of the movie Saw, the main character Jigsaw kidnap thes victims and to place them in jail. When they wake up, they discover a cassette with a video explaining them how to go out of the trap . This movie is a good scary story.

To conclude in gothic fiction What is important is the frightening landscapes and fantastic creatures.


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