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Mythes et héros

Fiche de lecture : Mythes et héros. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Mars 2015  •  Fiche de lecture  •  333 Mots (2 Pages)  •  594 Vues

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Hi every one and welcome in my presentation.

So as you can see I chose Myths and Heroes with a precise character But if you want you can guess him, sure I will help you. So firstly it's a American Actor. Secondly he played only in Action Movies. And finnaly he played in The expandables,Transporter,Safe...

Yes congratulation ! .

So I will say why quicly. Favorite Actor, he was a modest and shy man , and he show how man need to be in any situations

WICH BRINGS me in my issue who was « the character and what he represent was real or not? »

On the one hand real because JS was a really humain and not a cartoon or comics hero who have super powers.

In fact he Was born Twelve september nineteen sixty seven ( 1967)in chesterfield.

In fact he started his career when he was young in Nine teen nine teen height (1998) in the movie Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.Moreover when he do a dangerous stunts he never need a stunt man . (cascadeur)

And finnaly Jay represente in all movies the true man , man who need to be courageous, fearless (intrépide) and determinated to save his girl friend, mom ,dad etc ….

On the other hand not real because the movies was invented and not be true, the character and the history are fake. As jayson don't have a particular super powers so THAT'S WHY every man can be in this place.

And finnaly he didn't save someone in really but only in the movies.

Conclusion. In my opinion the charcater's who was played buy Jayson are not real, But we can be in their place. So that's why I think Jayson statham and his actions can be real he give a lesson.

Moreover Jayson is not super hero because he don't fly don't have super abilities. However he was a normal man with normal abilities and that's what making the real character and real hero.


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