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Muhammad Ali

Recherche de Documents : Muhammad Ali. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Mai 2014  •  222 Mots (1 Pages)  •  948 Vues

Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. on January 17, 1942) is a American boxer. In 1999, Ali was crowned "Sportsman of the Century" by Sports Illustrated. He won the World Heavyweight Boxing championship three times, and won the North American Boxing Federation championship as well as an Olympic gold medal.In 1996, he had the honor of lighting the flame at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia.

Ali was born in Louisville, Kentucky. He was named after his father, Cassius Marcellus Clay, Sr., (who was named for the 19th century abolitionist and politician Cassius Clay). Ali later changed his name after joining the Nation of Islam and subsequently converted to Sunni Islam in 1975.

Ali is a great fighter but also a great man.

During the Vietnam war, Ali refused to be inducted into the armed forces, stating publicly that, "no Vietcong ever called me nigger." He was systematically denied a boxing license in every state and stripped of his passport. As a result, he did not fight from March 1967 to October 1970—from ages 25 to almost 29—as his case worked its way through the appeal process. In 1971, the US Supreme Court overturned his conviction.

Ali traveled to Iraq during the Gulf War and met with Saddam Hussein in an attempt to negotiate the release of American hostages

Ali was diagnosed with Parkinson's syndrome in 1984,


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