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Le droit des armes à feu aux Etat-sUnis (document en anglais)

Note de Recherches : Le droit des armes à feu aux Etat-sUnis (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Juin 2013  •  337 Mots (2 Pages)  •  864 Vues

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Today, we see on TV news gun violence and we must face this reality every day. It could happen at school, metro or a lot of publics places. Canada was a victim again and again of violence by gun, i.e. the École Polytechnique massacre occurred at Montreal and the Dawson College shooting occurred also at Montreal. However, gun violence is everywhere in the world and the welfare of citizens is threaten.

First, Canada's school, especially in Quebec has been a victim of gun violence. This event happened at the École Polytechnique. Marc Lépine shot twenty-eight people, whose fourteen females died. In Canada, civilian are authorized to possess a firearm for hunting, provided they are entered in the register of firearms and they hold a valid permit. The government should perhaps legislate laws concerning gun storage in the off season of hunting.

In addition, there're armed robberies at banks, convenience stores and even in houses in most countries. It's really dangerous to the safety of employees and citizens because it can happen at any time. The honest citizen who has no weapon to defend himself can only obey the robber's demands. People nowadays can only hope not to be at the wrong time and wrong place. For this reason we should apply the previous solution to ensure the shelter of citizens.

Furthermore, we can also see the gun violence in the drug market or in the street gang. Indeed, the homicides during the mid-1980s were directly related with the crack cocaine drug trade. Today, homicides in disadvantaged neighbourhood happen frequently. Many people are just killed or injured by bullet for drugs story. In addition, the street gangs began to proliferate in the big cities.

In conclusion, the violence of guns increases every day victims are often innocent and should not suffer such demeanour violent. Whether in schools, banks, houses or in the drug market, the government should find a solution to reduce the suicide rate. Who knows perhaps in 30 years the homicide rate will decline by 20 percent?


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