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La vie de Martin Luther King

Commentaire de texte : La vie de Martin Luther King. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Mars 2014  •  Commentaire de texte  •  348 Mots (2 Pages)  •  968 Vues

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I will present my theme on work experience

Firstly I will present the success

Secondly, I will describe his learn

Thirdly I will development of my theme

Finally, I will conclude on the subject chosen

First, for an internship must be able to work independently as guardian can never be forever derriere these we need to know for his work alone and must also comply with the material that is left us because if we do not take care of our office it may not work and will have to repay

Secondly, it is necessary know how to organize his office because if not we do not know America or we put important documents and can slow down the work and shows a bad image should know change important document.

Thirdly, I am doing hang my internship I did a lot of work like invoice and report for my internship I took as the theme billing


I will present my theme on Martin Luther King

Firstly I will present the blacks in Amercia

Secondly, I will describe his political life

Thirdly I will talk about his private life

Finally, I will conclude on the subject chosen

First, I'll start talking about African Americans. Before the arrival of MLK, blacks were slaves of whites. He was the cheap labor and work as a slave to whites because whites saw blacks as inferior. After Abraham Lincoln became president he abolished slavery on 22nd September 1862.

Secondly, I will describe the political life of MLK. The speech was delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March in Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28th, 1963. This march clearly shows the desire to see in the future blacks and whites live together in harmony.

Thirdly I will talk about the private life of MLK. He was born in Atlanta, on January 15th, 1929 in a family of pastors. His grandfather, pastor for seventeen years and pioneer of resistance to racial discrimination, has struggled to get a secondary school for blacks and boycott is a racist newspaper ???. It is also the descendant of a slave working on a plantation.


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