La notion d'échanges dans l'espace ( en anglais)
Dissertations Gratuits : La notion d'échanges dans l'espace ( en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar xixine • 11 Juin 2014 • 402 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 980 Vues
I will present the notion « Spaces and exchanges » and i will talk about Ireland.
Since the 50's , Ireland has knows a boom. We will discuss on the Irsih economy which went up and down.
We will begin with the problems that Ireland has met and in the second part we will study the boom during the nineties.
During the 50's, many people left their villages,countries there were a lot of unemployment , poverty and famine. They were forced to leave their villages because there was no hope, no work, no possibility to find a job. So a lot of people left Ireland and went generally in England, USA or Australia because the villages were far away from cities and jobs gradually disappeared. In 1958, there were six thousand emigrants : it was a wave of emigration. Moreover , the potato famine affected the country and lost many inhabitants.
During the 70's and 80's, it was the same : it was the hard time, Houses became expensive and nobody could pay.
People tried to survive in this world of poverty.
After the boom in the 90's, the country know another crisis in 2007. Every country was affected but Ireland was not ready for another crisis.
The unemployment went down to minus 5 percent. The government did not protect the country , not prepared it for the crisis came, they did not spend the money seriously.
Nonetheless, despite the crisis and the governement's incompetence, Ireland know a boom during the nineties. Everything increases like the employment, there was a fast growing economy: Ireland became rich and built many buldings, monuments and created work. There was a huge housing which generated a boom in the building industry.
Ireland's economy grown and grown non stop. There were an economic boom and a boom in the job, mainly in 1998-99. Ireland was part of the rich countries in Europe.
That took place in the 90's: it was the Celtic Tiger and it was a beautiful period for Ireland.However the government was not prepared for the crisis that will come in 2007-2008.
To conclud, we can say that before the boom, people had to move away from Ireland, because they had no hope of finding job.
However, after the boom, people who had left their country came back in Ireland because the conditions were better and they could buy new houses, news cars. Contrary to the period of recession, they could spend money and had better living conditions.