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Interact with the text BTS CG

Fiche de lecture : Interact with the text BTS CG. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Mars 2018  •  Fiche de lecture  •  542 Mots (3 Pages)  •  534 Vues

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The document is a text and the title are Globalisation from the site It is about the globalisation and the different lobbies. Firstly, the globalisation and the lobbies, secondly, we talk pro-globalisation and finally talk about anti-globalisation.

To begin, I will define what is the globalisation, is a worldwide exchange to make profit. The globalisation is the increase of trade around the world, especially by large companies producing and trading goods in many different country, by example China. In the document the globalisation is a name for the process of increasing the connectivity and interdependence of the world’s market and business. The globalisation has made a leap forward thanks to the advancement of today’s technology. But they are two major areas that we had a great advance than thank to globalisation, the telecommunication and infrastructure.

But globalisation implies increased competition. We can fin pro-globalisation and anti-globalisation lobbies. A lobby is a group of people who represent a particular organisation or companies, and try to persuade a government or council to help or support them a group of people to try to persuade a politician, the government, or an official group that particular thing should or should not happen, or that a law should be changed

In the globalisation, they are lobbies pro-globalisation who give a positive argument for the globalisation like a emerging economic. Is realisation of a global common market, based on the freedom of exchange of goods and capital. The interconneated ess of these market, however, meant that an economic collapse in any one give country could nat be contained.

The world trade organisation is a lobby which deal with the rules governing international trade between countrie. The main purposeof the WTO is to promote trade openness. This includes reducing barrier to free trade, assisting exporters, importer and producer of goods and services in their operation.

The xorld economic forum is a non-profit foundation headquartered in Geneva, wich bring together business leader, policy maker around the world as well as intelectuel, and journalist to discuss the most urgent global problem, including the areas of health and environnement.

The global health initiative was lauched by Kofi Annan at the 2002 Annual meeting. The mission of this initiative is to encourage companie to ember into public private partnership to fight HIV/AIDS and other.

But there are too anti-globalisation lobbie like Greenpeace, Oxform and Friend of the earth. The problem relate to the globalisation is the environmental degradation, the removal of  forest to make way for cattle ranchin was the leading cause of deforestation in Brazilian Amazon from the mid 1960’s. Recently say bear have become one of the most important contribution to deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon.

They are a drag and illicit good trade, with the globalisation the black market has grown exponentially. The unemployment because of cheap labor, they are reasoning that availability of cheap labour in Asia, Africa ans South America will result in companies shutting down there operation in the host country. Which with result in people being laid off and farced into unemployment.

For conclude globalisation is a double-edged sword. It increasingly affectively the way are like and work positively and negatively, while industrial countrie enjoy the merit of globalisation, developing countrie have to learn how to compete, otherwise will remain dependant of other.


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