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Exemple idée restaurant

Cours : Exemple idée restaurant. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Septembre 2021  •  Cours  •  918 Mots (4 Pages)  •  286 Vues

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We first chose a restaurant in Marseille. we are therefore going to look beyond this and will analyze the different strategies to be implemented in terms of their sustainable development. There are different types of strategies. We would like to create our own restaurant called Hungry Birds. It is located in Marseille, near the Old Port. it is a fairly affordable restaurant for everyone, with cheap prices, and various menus available to customers. So we are going to present to you the strategies that we would like to put in place on our restaurant so that it can become an eco-responsible restaurant.

We can also see that catering is an important player in CSR. Indeed, while customers care more and more about what is on their plate, restaurants have a real role to play in the development of CSR policy. We are witnessing an era in which the population is becoming aware of environmental issues and is questioning past consumer behavior. She no longer wants to consume as before on a model dating from the 30 glorious years, and wishes to favor eco-responsible, promote sustainable development. One need only look at the demonstrations that have taken place in recent months with the climate march, or even the influence of the young Swede Greta Thunberg, to understand that restaurants have every interest in adapting to these new consumption behaviors. We are therefore going to give you some tips for sustainable development from which you can draw inspiration.

First of all, our restaurant will limit its food waste as much as possible. A first step towards reducing your restaurant's waste is to favor fresh ingredients, reusable or bulk packaging. To limit food waste, it would also be essential to calculate the necessary quantities of food. Note that you can also cook peelings, carcasses, tops, bones, this saves less food and therefore less throws away.

For an eco-responsible restaurant, you have to choose local and especially seasonal products. What could be better than local and seasonal cuisine for sustainable cuisine? This will allow us to be less dependent on the transport of these products and to have fresher products.

Responsible water should also be served, that is to say a water fountain without a carboy. Water consumption has a heavy impact on the environment, especially through its transport. This is why choosing more responsible, greener water is a solution that can be implemented as part of a CSR strategy. 

We can also use ozonated water which allows restaurants to disinfect various things. Thanks to its excellent disinfection and oxidation qualities, ozone is widely used for the treatment of drinking water. Ozone can be used for different purposes in process systems, such as for pre-oxidation, intermediate oxidation or final disinfection.

To highlight your responsible activity, you must not hesitate to arm yourself with certifications. This is a real guarantee of quality for our customers, such as Ecotable, which references eco-responsible establishments, or even Fraheim for anti-waste restaurants. In addition, our restaurant can appear on a card grouping together all the eco-responsible restaurants, which is a good way to highlight our CSR actions.

You can also get an eco-label to be able to become even more responsible. CSR for restaurants also involves obtaining a label for our restaurant. For example, the Eurotoques officially recognized by the European Commission, or the Lucie label, a well-known CSR label.


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