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Essay on marketing

Dissertation : Essay on marketing. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Novembre 2015  •  Dissertation  •  534 Mots (3 Pages)  •  883 Vues

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Firstly we must define marketing because it is a very general term. Marketing refers to the analysis of consumer needs and all the means of action used by organizations to influence their behavior.

 Marketing until 2004 : defined by 4P , " product policy " , of "price" to "distribution" and " advertising" .

 Marketing after 2004 : it is both participatory and social ( interaction with consumers via social networks). It affects the whole organization of the company, which is entirely oriented towards customer satisfaction and not to the product

On the one hand, I think that marketing can be negative, because marketing analysis is the basis of the company's decisions. This means that when the marketing analysis prediction is wrong, all decisions are found distort. Studies marketing don’t focus on the development and market fluctuation. Marketing doesn’t hold enough about the no-customers of the company. While this no- customers can also be of potential consumers of the company’s products. Marketing is a tool to manipulate consumers. Advertising that encourages people to start using products and constantly creating previously nonexistent needs.

On the other hand, I think that marketing can be positive, for example it can help company to develop their products worldwide and it is allows the company to have a better knowledge of foreign markets. Through marketing, the company has a significant advantage over its competitors because it has a better understanding of the expectations and needs of consumers. For the purpose to make know these products or brands or build customers loyalty, some brands can charge low prices and promotions such as 2 + 1 offered. This practice is beneficial for us consumers with the lowest incomes can benefit the products of major brands.

To illustrate my different point of views, I decide to take 2 company. One to show, my negative point of view and the other to show why my point of view is positive.

For the negative point of view I will take company like Apple, particularly IPhone. Apple rely on the release of an Iphone on a memorable event widely mediatized, suspense and he plays with the curiosity of customers. All of the marketing method stimulate the customers to buy. While there is no necessity to buy an Iphone, because it is the same function like the other phones. Thanks to their resultant marketing, Apple happens to create the needs to the customers.

For the positive point of view I will take company like Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola has no specific target, it is for all the world. However, some lines of Coca-Cola can turn to particular targets. Such as Coca-Cola address to a young and in work target because it contains extracts of coffee. What makes the coca cola strength is its Fields of action and because its own a large of other brands such as Fanta, Sprite and Minute Maid. But Coca-Cola particularly excels in their communication, by inventing ad which remain fixed in consumers’ mind and mark them. Another technique that Coca-Cola has been able to develop is buying priority location in supermarkets. On average in the world coca cola is purchased 5,722 million times worldwide. Which made him the first products most consumed in the world.


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