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Entretien anglais

Guide pratique : Entretien anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Mars 2019  •  Guide pratique  •  406 Mots (2 Pages)  •  457 Vues

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A - Hi, I’m “name” I’m from the HR department and I’ll be conducting this interview today. I’ll just start by saying a few words about our company and the post you applied for.

As you may know we’re a real estate firm we buy and sell properties, and we try to make a profit during the transaction. Now your job would consist in assisting the clients throughout the whole process: from the visits of the properties all the way to the closing of a contract, and… you’ll also have to deal with the building contractors.

Now… let me hear about yourself.

B: - My name is “name”. I’m twenty-one years old. I live in Fontenay-aux-Roses. My qualities are my good organization, my punctuality, my open mindedness and my dynamism. My faults are my shyness and an excess of discretion.

A - Alright, tell me about your educational background. What you studied, your diplomas…

B - I got an Alevel in management for a two-year technical degree in real estate.

A: - Can you tell me where you used to work before?

B - I realized an internship in a real estate agency. During this internship I did accounting.

A - And… what company did you worked for?

B - I worked in many real estate’s agencies such as ORPI and Laforêt.

A - So what are your motivations… Why do you want to work for us?

B - I chose this company because I like the real estate business.

A - Do you have any wage expectations?

B - Yes, I’m looking for something around 1500€.

A - How is your team spirit… Would you work well if I put you in a team?

B - I’m team spirited so I’ll be able to work in a team without any problem.

A - Now about your hobbies… What do you do in your free time?

B - My hobbies are Zumba, listening to music, shopping and fashion. I also practice horse riding during the holidays.

A - And finally where do you see yourself in the future?

B - In the future, I would like to create my own real estate agency because I really enjoy working in this field.

A - Well, that’s it for me. I got everything I need. Do you have any questions?

B - No

A - Well then it’ been a pleasure to do this interview, we’ll call you in a couple of days to give you our answer. Have a nice day.

B - Thank you for your time, bye.


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