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English, technology's explosion

Dissertation : English, technology's explosion. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Avril 2017  •  Dissertation  •  1 712 Mots (7 Pages)  •  591 Vues

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Technology’s explosion

From cell phones to computers to television, technology has found its way into every corner of the world—even crossing the divide between rich and poor—and has become a part of life for many. According to more than 1800 millions of people are using smartphone in the world….. Everyone is obsessed by the use of technology: texting and calling friends, taking pictures, watching TV and movies, playing games. Finding a wireless network in public places is primordial, taking his phone in hand or walking with earphones became an addiction. Every move in our quotidian includes technology: Using Global Protecting System (GPS) instead of a touristic guide to visit and explore the city, using a phone application to transfer money overseas, ordering diner by a simple click or a call…etc. This is a generation of consumption.

In fact, no one can deny that we are living a century of technology which made everything easier in our life. It made an explosion of innovation including agriculture, health, public services… The farmer can now the most developed techniques to produce vegetables and fruits, for instance, the Genetically modified crops “GM crops” which are plants that their DNA was modified using genetic engineering techniques to give a new ability including resistance to certain pests, extreme environmental conditions, chemical treatments or improving its nutrient profile. According to the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA), in 2014 approximately 18 million farmers grew biotech crops in 28 countries; about 94% of the farmers were resource-poor in developing countries. PG Economics comprehensive 2012 study concluded that GM crops increased farm incomes worldwide by $14 billion in 2010, with over half this total going to farmers in developing countries. However, the desire for efficiency and promoting production closed the farmer eyes on the dark side of these technologies; GM foods can transfer genes to insects and pests making them pesticide resistant, they can also contain genes from foods that are known allergens and that consumers may not know what they’re eating.

Moreover, the development of technologies has led to a great performance of science researches; in health field for example, generic drugs which can be defined as drug product having similar properties with the brand listed (original/reference) drug in form, strength, quality and performance characteristics, and intended use. It must contain the same active ingredients (According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)) as the original formulation. Generic drugs are generally available once the copyright afforded to the original developer have expired which make their price significantly lower than their branded equivalents. Besides, statistics shows that the use of these drugs have been increasing with a rate of 31.6% from 2005 to 2014 whereas the branded one decreased by 27.5% in the same period ( Although the patients think there is no difference between this two type of drug, it’s noteworthy that The FDA doesn't require that manufacturers of generics use the same inert ingredients to compound the drug. Inert or non-active ingredients are important because they determine how the drug is dissolved and delivered to the target organs. So even if the amount of active ingredient is identical in the generic and original drug, the reformulated drug may not be as effective in delivering the same dose. Furthermore, some people may have allergic reactions to different inert ingredients in the generic formulation.

Besides, the communication is now as it is thanks to many technologies; cell phones became indispensable, now we are talking about “smart”phones. This technology can be considered as the All-in-one device; It’s tough to fit an mp3 player, digital camera, phone, and GPS all in your pockets at the same time – at least comfortably. Fortunately for you, today’s cell phones mean that’s not a problem anymore. It’s been our go-to calculator and flashlight for at least the past decade and a smartphone is probably the only camera many people even own. If that weren’t enough, there are apps for practically everything. Now your phone is also an ebook reader, currency converter, and handheld gaming device. There are even apps that help you learn foreign languages on the go. However, the use of this device may lead to That’s not the only way the inattention to their surrounding caused by cell phones creates problems. It can actually cost lives when drivers focused on texting or social media lose control of their vehicle and have major accidents. Is letting your friend know you’re on the way really worth dying over? And it’s not safe to do it while you’re walking either. For one, people have stepped into oncoming traffic while staring at the screen of their phone. Less seriously, you can fall down stairs, trip over something on the ground, or bump into a wall or another pedestrian while you’re absorbed with what’s happening on Facebook.

In addition, our phones can do so much these days that some people have trouble tearing themselves away long enough to reconnect with the real world. You’ve likely seen them around town, on public transportation, and in stores with their eyes and fingers glued to their mobile device. Instead of interacting with the people around them, they ignore face-to-face conversation for virtual ones. Many believe that our younger generation is actually less capable of normal socializing because of this. They’ve gotten so little practice that they’re simply not comfortable with chatting with someone they meet out in public. Since humans are social creatures by nature who need real life connections, this runs the risk of becoming a huge problem for society.


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