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Donc qui suis-je? (document en anglais).

Fiche de lecture : Donc qui suis-je? (document en anglais).. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  16 Avril 2015  •  Fiche de lecture  •  340 Mots (2 Pages)  •  473 Vues

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So who I am?

Hi! My name is …….. I’m currently studying Philosophy and English in London. I volunteer to go to Senegal from September 2015 to June 2016 where I will teach English to Senegalese children.

But what is it that’s motivating me to do this and what do I hope to achieve?

• A desire to learn more as a global citizen and explore the world in order to become a better-rounded individual, but through doing something useful.

• To provide aid to people in need and make a small difference to their lives.

• To improve language skills (in Senegal they speak French and Wolof).

On returning to the UK I plan to go to University to study Philosophy Politics and Economics, before starting a career in International Relations or Development, I would like to utilize the experiences I will gain by going overseas throughout my future, in order to help tackle the myriad difficulties modern man is currently faced with.


I have to each 5,000 €

This is a sum which I have already started to flake away at bit by bit, however the process has only just begun. With bag packs, jumble sales, quiz and chip nights and a sponsored event on the horizon, any donation, large or small, will be of a tremendous help to me in filing this sum down to nil.

But where does the money actually go?

The money goes to:

• Recruitment

• Fundraising

• Volunteer Insurance

• Selection, Training, Debriefing

• Overheads

• Operating Expenses

• Travel


Senegal is a culturally rich, diverse and varied country which is known across Africa for its musical heritage. Beneath the beautiful landscape and vast wildlife, it is considered a model democracy, having experienced peaceful leadership changes and a moderately stable economy over the past 40 years.

However, education is often considered one of the most important aids for a developing country. By learning English from a native speaker students gain skills that can open up many doors for them in terms of future prospects.

We can change the life of some children in Senegal. You can volunteer to participate in my project.


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