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Analyse du marché et ses services proposés (document en anglais)

Commentaires Composés : Analyse du marché et ses services proposés (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Février 2015  •  369 Mots (2 Pages)  •  978 Vues

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Analysis of the market and proposed services:

With the continuation of globalization in the economy, English occupies an increasingly important place within the companies. But also it is in the middle of the trade intra-Community. At the time of travel abroad it is important to speak English for being better rendered comprehensible; it also makes it possible to create links between individuals of different culture. It thus has appeared obvious to us to sensitize the young people on the importance of English. The town of Lyon counts today more than 120,000 students and 220,000 high-school pupils what constitute high enough customers for our project.

After a market study we noted that English courses were proposed in the form of e-learning or of the private lessons. Indeed websites like Babbel, digital publishing, berlitz or Wall Street institute propose English lessons on Internet adapted to the level of the users. The proposed services are English courses with professors of English mother tongue and a follow-up Internet of the progression of the pupil. For most sites, the courses are free but for some such as Wall street institute 8 hours of course per week is equivalent to 4x358 euro’s (1432€). Moreover call upon a particular professor would cost to a pupil approximately 32 € of the hour.

We found these prices raised enough and not very gravitational for the students. Thus we propose 1:00 of course with a teacher or students bilingual for the sum of: … Moreover we decided developed social character during the training of English. Thus the students will be able to meet around a good coffee between friends, alone consigns: To speak English!!! Moreover the fact of learning English in a coffee gives a character more relaxed to the courses. That also makes it possible to the students to make new knowledge and to support the mutual aid.

With the studenttea the customers will have access to a corner relaxation or magazines, newspapers of the books and English comics will be at their disposal. But they will also be able to benefit from the English specialties’ like cheese-cake, cupcake, pudding for a price not exceeding the 3 euro’s. All that accompanied by one tea to English of course!!!


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