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A Hated Hero

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Par   •  19 Octobre 2018  •  Fiche  •  555 Mots (3 Pages)  •  587 Vues

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To all who were old enough to follow sport on the television at the beginning of the century, there is a man who has unleashed passion or aversion. Even he wasn’t the first man with this name to be famous, he will definitely remain in the people’s memory. For those who still don’t know who I am talking about, I would like to introduce M. Lance Armstrong.

July 1995. Fabio Casartelli, former Olympic champion, died in a crash during the famous cycling race, “le Tour de France”. In his honor, his cycling team, Motorola, obtained to right to cross the finish line together. In the middle, a young man, promised to a bright future: Lance Armstrong. Since few year, this young cyclist already succeeded in many races. His name started to rise up and more teams start to be attracted by his qualities.

One year later, in 1996, the champion is diagnosed with a testicular cancer. Doctors were skeptical concerning his return to the competition, and were even worried for his own life. But Lance knew it. He knew that he will come back. He knew that he would find the mental and physical power to go over it. And it worked. Lance was back in 1998, less than 2years after being diagnosed. It was almost impossible. Beside his return, in order to share his strength with other cancer survivors, he created “Livestrong Foundation”. This foundation will be in the center of his communication during his successful years.

1998 was marked by famous doping stories. Lance was ignored, as his recoveries didn’t allowed him to be directly successful. From 1999, with his new team, US Postal, built to win, Lance started winning. Not just winning. Destroying. His rage, his revenge toward his cancer and the public were too powerful. He won the Tour De France with all the media and the fans on his feet. How could he do that? How a former cancer survivor could be that strong. It was impressive.

Following 1999, Lance added 6 more “Tour De France” on his record until 2005. His communication was well organized. One of Lance’s strength, supported by “Livestrong”. But during these 7years, more and more voices raised concerns. How? How could he be that strong? How could he be that fast? From the love of the fans, Lance, little by little, attracted hate.

After 2005, when the suspicion was too high, Lance decided to retired. The pressure was probably too high even for someone strong-minded like him. Even he tried a comeback in 2009, Lance wasn’t well considered anymore. And what should happened, happened. In 2012, Lance was convicted of using doping products from 1998 to his retirement in 2005. All of his titles, all of his victories were waived. Lance tried to defend himself, but evidences were too strong. The eagle was down. The king, who attracted admiration at his debut, was dead. Fame was replaced by insults and mocking.

Whether, we admire or detest Lance Armstrong, his case cannot make us insensitive. It is the story of a cancer survivor who was ready of everything to show that sickness cannot win over him. He played and he finally loose, but can we really blame him for that? What would we do in his position?


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