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Shapero model of entrepreneurial intention

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Par   •  1 Avril 2018  •  Dissertation  •  1 154 Mots (5 Pages)  •  784 Vues

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realized by: Safa OUAARAB

Shapero model of entrepreneurial intention

    Entrepreneurship is an organizational process that leads to the creation of a new organization, this process is initiated from the development of a set of entrepreneurial intentions that reflect a person's desire to create a business. This will is influenced by the personality as well as the beliefs of the individual about the surrounding environment. Indeed, the transition from intention, conception to action, that is to say to make the decision to undertake, corresponds to the approach that leads the individual to actually create a new enterprise; It is when the individual moves from the phase of intention, to the phase where he devotes his time, to invest financially and intellectually in the project of creation; this is the commitment period that is defined by Festinger, 1964 as a period that directly influences subsequent behaviors.

Among the most commonly used theories in the field of entrepreneurship to analyze the occurrence of entrepreneurial behaviors and intentions, we quote: The Theory of the Event of Entrepreneurial Behavior (Shapero and Sokol 1982) this theory is one both models based on intention to explain entrepreneurial intentions and to better understand subsequent behaviors. The authors of this model proposed that usually the contextual events (personal and professional life of the individual), which trigger a change in the life course of a potential entrepreneur. In another way, an event can be described as a leading force that leads an individual to go in a given direction at a particular point in time and to make such a decision so Shapero has presented three elements that give the interest to an individual undertaking, From this fact, two questions come to our mind:

What are these factors that give the initiation to an individual to undertake?

Does having the initiation to undertake is sufficient to pass the entrepreneurial act?

The theory of the formation of the entrepreneurial event of Shapero:

Indeed, the shapero and Sokol model addresses three essential elements that affect the potential entrepreneur:

  1. Displacements that lead to a change in the life trajectory:

The change of career focus to the creative action is triggered by events that drive an individual to make such a decision. Entrepreneurship is usually due to an event that disrupts the path of a potential entrepreneur, this event may be negative, positive or intermediate, it is called by Shapero and Sokol "displacement", these displacement are classified in three categories:

  • Negative displacements: these are negative external factors, which can push an individual to take entrepreneurship initiation, such as job dissatisfaction, unemployment, etc.
  • Positive displacements: all events that are often sources of opportunity. it's called "positive pull".
  • Intermediate situations: result from a break-up consistent with the completion of a stage of life placing the individual between two situations or two commitments. They are distinguished from negative displacements by their predictability.

  1. The perception of the desirability of the intended behavior:

They defined perceived desirability as the personal attractiveness of starting a business, including the intrapersonal and extrapersonal impacts it is based on an individual's value system; cultural social values and that of the family or parents. These values contribute to the action insofar as they are relevant in the context (thus likely to be activated) and important to the one who acts, what distinguishes one value from another is the type of objective or motivation that this value expresses.

  1. Perceptions of the feasibility of behavior:

Perceived feasibility is the degree to which an individual feels able to start a business, this feasibility is dependent on a set of variables to help the creation of organization (financial resources, human and technical necessary).

The relationship between attention and entrepreneurial action:

Empirical studies highlight the weakness of entrepreneurial intent in predicting the actual creation of the firm; Because the only manifestation of an intention may not lead the individual to act effectively in reality there are people who have an intention or a desire to undertake but they do not have the courage to make the decision to to undertake and move to the action phase. Indeed, the passage of the intention to the action is dependent of several variables that they have developed several researchers but the variable which remains more important is the psychological variable, and when one speaks about this variable one is in the obligation of quoted three elements: activity, emotion, resonance


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