INVICTUS – a wrap up of the film
Cours : INVICTUS – a wrap up of the film. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar lbhii • 29 Novembre 2023 • Cours • 2 168 Mots (9 Pages) • 209 Vues
INVICTUS – a wrap up of the film
"Invictus," a riveting sports drama film, captures the true story of how President Nelson Mandela and the South African rugby team united a country torn apart by apartheid.
Featuring Hollywood stars Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon, this inspiring movie tells the powerful tale of leadership, unity, and the spirit of sportsmanship. In post-apartheid South Africa,
Mandela (Freeman) sees a golden opportunity to unify the nation through the universal language of sport. Rugby, once a symbol of white supremacy, becomes an instrument of harmony in the 1995 Rugby World Cup.
Mandela enlists the help of the Springboks' captain, Francois Pienaar (Damon), to win the tournament and bring a racially divided nation together.
"Invictus" is a must-watch for fans of gripping sports movies, true historical events, and remarkable human achievements.
It showcases Mandela's incredible leadership, the thrilling sport of rugby, and South Africa's challenging journey towards unity.
Keywords: Invictus, Nelson Mandela, Morgan Freeman, Matt Damon, South Africa, apartheid, unity, leadership, sports drama, Rugby World Cup, Francois Pienaar, Springboks, inspiring, true story, historical movie, gripping sports movie, unity in diversity.
The year was 1990 and a man named Nelson Mandela who many black South Africans looked up to was let out of Victor verster prison He had spent a long time there : 27 years.
Some people who didn't like black people having the same rights as them were upset and called Mandela a bad guy
But for the black people it was a day of great happiness, they saw Mandela's Freedom as a reason to fight harder for their own rights.
there was a lot of tension in South Africa at this time and people were scared that there might be a big fight between the black and white people
Mandela who had just got out of prison wanted peace for South Africa
He gave a speech asking people not to fight but to work together
He believed that the country would do better if everyone got along.
Four years later in 1994, black people were given the right to vote and this was a
big change and because of it Mandela was elected president even though he was now a very important person.
Mandela stayed humble. he continued doing simple things like making his bed, walking every morning with two people protecting him and remembering the names of everyone who worked for him and their families.
These little things showed that he was still a regular person just like everyone else
But not everyone was happy with Mandela being president. White people who were used to having more power were scared and unsure. They worried if Mandela was able to lead the country properly, among these people was the father of a man named Francois who was the leader of South Africa's rugby team. Francois’ dad was worried that his son would not have a good future now that black people were in charge on.
Mandela's first day as president :
He saw that many people who worked for the previous governement were scared that they might lose their jobs because they were white. Mandela gathered everyone and told them that no one would be fired just because of their skin color or the language they spoke. This rule of treating everyone the same also applied to his own security team. He decided to hire some white policemen even though they had been crual to black People in the past.
The black bodyguards didn't like this idea because they remembered how these policemen had tried to hurt them before.
But Mandela believed that everyone should be given a second chance.
He thought that if he wanted South Africa to be a place where everyone lived happily together and that he should set an example by forgiving the past.
The black bodyguards didn't really agree but they listened to Mandela.They even agreed to teach the new guards how to protect him.
Mandela told them that they should always smile when they were dealing with crowds, this was a way to show people that they were friendly and not scary.
A big test for Mandela's mixed race bodyguards came when he went to a rugby match between South Africa and England
The South African team known as the springboks was mostly made up of white players and many black people didn't like them .The game was so tense that black South Africans cheered for England instead of their own team
But through all these challenges, Mandela never gave up, he wanted to bring everyone in South Africa together to heal the hurt between black and white people
His journey was not easy but it started to change South Africa into a place where everyone was treated equally.
Mandela the respected leader is unafraid to mingle with the crowd at a rugby match even amidst from some Spectators. He appreciates the white attendees sporting the new national flag signifying their support, a disruptive spectator throws a cup at him but his guards whisk him away just in time
- (amidst = among / whisk away = s’envoler)
Sadly South Africa's beloved rugby team the springboks lose their match casting a shadow over their prospects in the forthcoming World Cup.The team's image takes such a beating that a poor black boy refuses a donated spring box Jersey fearing it would make him a target for violence
The predominantly black South African Sports Council convenes to discuss changing the team's emblem colors and even its name despite warnings from his secretary. Mandela crashes the meeting and delivers a compelling speech pleading for support for the spring box.He recalls his prison years studying his white jailers who were once as adversaries but are now fellow countrymen stripping the white population of their beloved rugby team.
Mandela takes his message of unity abroad visiting countries like the USA, Japan and addressing the United Nations on returning.