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Sir Thomas Dale

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Sir Thomas Dale (Unknown-1619)

Who was Thomas Dale ?

Sir Thomas Dale was an English nobleman, born in a wealthy protestant family in Surrey (England) during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.

He had a successful military career, having served in the army during the war with Spain and having being made captain of a Dutch company of infantry in 1603.

He was knighted by King James I (1567-1625) on June 19, 1606 due to his prowess as an army officer for England and his association with the royal family (he was a close friend of King James Ist's son, Prince Henry).

In 1611, set sail for Virginia on Prince Henry's orders.

America : the reason for the departure

Thomas Dale left in 1611 for Virginia, USA, with 300 armed British troops, a journey organized by Prince Henry.

In 1606, King James I of England issued the 1606 Virginia Charter, which resulted in the Virginia Company, in which Thomas Dale had invested, and became keen to visit the colony established in Jamestown, Virginia ever since 1607.

Having heard of some problems being encountered in the colony, Prince Henry arranged a three-year leave for Thomas Dale without pay to serve in Jamestown.

Thomas Dale was appointed as Virginia colony's marshal (take charge of discipline and order) and deputy governor of Virginia in th absence of Governor De La Warr and Thomas Gates.

Arrival in Jamestown, Virginia

Upon his arrival at the colony, Thomas Dale raised a palisade (fence), established martial law and strict military code, organized the workforce and responded to any disobedience with severe corporal punishments or death penalty.

Sir Thomas Dale and his troops attacked the Appamattuck and Nansemond tribes of NA* and his take over the Powhatan Indians led to the end of the first Powhatan war.

Thomas Dale is rumoured to be the father of Pocahontas' child : in 1613 she was held in Jamestown. She got pregnant and transferred to Henricus. Her son, of mixed race and named Thomas, was said to have been born in January 30, 1615, although there weren't any written record of it. He was raised as Thomas Rolfe, by John Rolfe, who Pocahontas married in 1614.

Arrival in Jamestown, Virginia

Upon his arrival at the colony, Thomas Dale raised a palisade (fence), established martial law and strict military code, organized the workforce and responded to any disobedience with severe corporal punishments or death penalty.

Sir Thomas Dale and his troops attacked the Appamattuck and Nansemond tribes of NA* and his take over the Powhatan Indians led to the end of the first Powhatan war.

Thomas Dale is rumoured to be the father of Pocahontas' child : in 1613 she was held in Jamestown. She got pregnant and transferred to Henricus. Her son, of mixed race and named Thomas, was said to have been born in January 30, 1615, although there weren't any written record of it. He was raised as Thomas Rolfe, by John Rolfe, who Pocahontas married in 1614.

Thomas Dale and the Good Order

The rule of Thomas Dale and Good Order followed a terrible period in the history


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