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Richard the III

Étude de cas : Richard the III. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Avril 2018  •  Étude de cas  •  399 Mots (2 Pages)  •  460 Vues

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Richard III

        How they knew it could be the King Richard the third ?

        The society named « the Richard III society » want to find the body of the King. They knew that the remains of Richard the third were buried under Leicester city concil's car park because they knew that he was here, but before they don't have the right to do some searches.

        Before in the 15th century, the car park was a church so we can conclude that the body of the king Richard was buried in this church.

        Legends tells that Richard the third had been thrown in a river, but archeologist's searchs shows the contrary.

        Archeologists found a squeleton and they made some DNA tests. The body they found shows a big scoliosis to its back. They known that the king was hunchbacked because of a important scoliosis desease. They made another test to date the bones with « carbon 14 ».

        With this technology, they could find since how many years did the body was died. It works with the radioactivity of the body ; in fact when you're alive your body is full of carbon 14 and when you die, it decrease. So less you have radioactivity, more you're die since a long time. 

        After this, they analyse the head of the squeleton. They found a huge hole in the skull. They know that King Richard died from an axe punch (halberd) in the head. It was another proof.

        But to be sure it was him, they asked to an american man named Michael Ibsen to give his DNA. Why him ? 

        Because scientists know that he was a direct descendant of the King Richard the third. It was true so they made the tests and it correspond perfectly. 

        So with all these proofs, they can confirm that the body they found was the one of the King Richard the third of England.


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