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Corpus de textes sur le Black Friday

Commentaire de texte : Corpus de textes sur le Black Friday. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Décembre 2022  •  Commentaire de texte  •  295 Mots (2 Pages)  •  506 Vues

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First, this document is a press article.

It is entitled “Black Friday deals not always as good as they look, Which ? reveals.

It was written by Julia Kollewe.

The document was published in the Guardian newspaper on November 2017.

The document deals with Black Friday.

The fact that discounts are not really worth during Black Friday in the UK.

I) In a first part, I would like to present Black Friday

- Origins = USA

For thanksgiving = peace between Native American and European settlers exchange corn & turkey

- Trade = companies propose huge discounts. Enormous sales

- Spread to Europe and the rest of the world. Thanks to internet and great transport.

- In France we have the Black Month.

II) In a second part, I would like to present the advantages of Black Friday

a) For companies :

- Large profits

- Increase turnover

- Develop brand image

- Sell stocks

b) For consumers :

- great financial opportunities

- great bargain

- presents for thanksgiving

- presents for Christmas

- sales incentives = price

- Impulse buying

III) In a third part, I would like to present the drawbacks ok Black Friday

a) For companies :

- margin less important -> to no margin at all in the USA : legal

b) For consumers :

- rush in the shops

- Black Friday = overcrowded (blinder de monde)

- no real discount

- not so good (value) for money

- not worth it

Yet = cependant, Indeed = en effet, Moreover = de plus, On top of that = de plus.

As a conclusion, this document is about the Black Friday and its consequences.

As far as I am concerned, I think that it is a great opportunity to buy Christmas present but it is necessary to check and compare prices before buying.

We can wonder if Black Friday is also a great (énorme, grande, grosse) cause of pollution/buy local.


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