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Exposé en anglais sur le Film Harry Potter

Guide pratique : Exposé en anglais sur le Film Harry Potter. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Décembre 2015  •  Guide pratique  •  713 Mots (3 Pages)  •  10 740 Vues

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VOIE 9 ¾

The movie that I choose is “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone” it’s the first movie of the Harry Potter’s Saga which contains 8 movies. The sequence that I choose is “Platform 9 ¾”

Harry Potter’s summary: Harry Potter is a character of books. The author is an English whose name is J.K Rowling. This saga tell the adventures of a sorcerer's apprentice named Harry Potter and his friend Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger to the school of witchcraft Poudlard, managed by Albus Dumbledore. The main intrigue of the series stages the fight of the young person Harry Potter against an invincible renowned black witch, a Lord Voldemort, who killed formerly his parents; at the head of a clan of black witches, Mangemorts, Voldemort tries for decades to take the power on the world of the wizards.

1st movie summary: Harry Potter, a young orphan, is raised by his uncle Vernon and his aunt Petunia who hate him. While he was knee-high to a grasshopper, the latter told him that his parents had died in a car accident.
The day of his eleventh birthday, Harry receives the unexpected visit of a gigantic man being called Rubeus Hagrid. This one reveals him that he is in fact the son of two powerful magicians and that it possesses too of extraordinary powers.
It is with enjoyment that the boy agrees to attend class to Poudlard, the famous school of witchcraft. He is finally has the opportunity to make friends. Blamed by professor Severus Rogue who teaches him potions and protected by Albus Dumbledore, the director of the establishment, Harry is going to try to clarify the mystery of the philosopher's stone. (Sequence)  

The way 9 ¾ is the name of a secret  platform fitted out at the heart of the railroad station of King's Cross, in London. He allows the sorcerer's apprentices to reach the cars of Poudlard Express, a special train which drives the pupils to the middle school Poudlard.

As can be seen, the
light which lights enlighten the station comes from the outside. It crosses windows which are of use as roof to this one.

At the beginning, there is no music only background noise as those whom we hear when we are in a station. The characters speak between them. Then as Harry sees the Weasley family, a light music appears.  It clears an atmosphere of suspense and suspicion as if there was of the magic in the air. It stays till the end of the scene.
At the beginning of the scene when Harry speaks with Hagrid
the camera is positioned as so as to the fact that one have the impression to be instead of Harry. Then the camera takes place in a way has that we see Harry, his movements and travels: we have an overview. We pass during the scene of the view of Harry has an overview.

For the actors and their actions: Harry walks in the station in search of this famous way 9 ¾ , not finding her he asks has a controller who laughs in his the face. This is when he sees the Weasley family : He approaches towards them and sees 3 older brothers speaking with their mother then crossing a wall. He is amazed and then asks to the mother how to go to this famous way. He crosses then this wall other watch followed by Ron and finds itself in one or he sees the panel "See 9 ¾" and the train which to lead him to Poudlard.


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